Windstar cruise Istanbul to Athens

Any women concerned with lack of hair salon during the cruise?


  • I love the fact that every now and again there is great humor (humour, for Jan and British) in this room. I actually laughed for about five minutes over this one.
  • Well, I think it's funny, too, ndvb. But I just have to wonder if the questioner was serious .... the website does list a spa, though.

    Stop laughing! I can hear you over here!
  • I can't stop is just too damned funny. My suggestion would be for her to get a really short haircut....I wonder how she would look with a buzz? The only thing funnier is the guys who are going bald and have a pony tail.
  • edited April 2015
    I used to dread the thought of growing up and having to put curlers in my hair and sleep in them like the women of my mother's generation did. These same women seem to go weekly to the hair salon for the same torture. So I guess garp is posting a reasonable question that could be taken seriously. Possibly the same generation that like to wear a jacket and tie out to dinner when most of the Tauck travelers don't appear to want or do that. My other thought is, that surely when you are on a boat, the moment you set out on the deck, doesn't your hair blow out all over the place? Well mine does! Maybe yet another reason why I have enjoyed several boating vacations but never a cruise!
  • Okay, Garp, I'm going to try to answer this question seriously...sort of! This is an outstanding trip, and the Windspirit is a fantastic ship (that from someone who does not care for cruises). While I would not care about a hair salon, lost cause, I do recall having a pedicure. I sort of recall blowing my pedicure out tripping over something in Istanbul, and making an appointment for repair on the ship. I seem to recall having to wait a few days as they were busy (if, indeed, that is what I had done...I only recall "feet"...oh, aren't I a big help??) I think I recall someone in our group winning a massage in a drawing on the ship. As far as hair, do not fret...your hair will look terrible for the entire trip!! You will have "hat hair" from having to wear sun protection while trapsing through the ruins, and the sea breeze will be the fait accompli on whatever style might remain!! So, I guess the answer hair repair!
  • ndvb wrote:
    I can't stop is just too damned funny. My suggestion would be for her to get a really short haircut....I wonder how she would look with a buzz? The only thing funnier is the guys who are going bald and have a pony tail.

    Well try! You'll only go blue and that's very unattractive. As for your comment regarding a buzz cut .... that's definitely inappropriate. Bad you! But yes, bald head plus pony tail is terribly funny.

    I can still hear you ........
  • joycesw wrote:
    Okay, Garp, I'm going to try to answer this question seriously...sort of! This is an outstanding trip, and the Windspirit is a fantastic ship (that from someone who does not care for cruises). While I would not care about a hair salon, lost cause, I do recall having a pedicure. I sort of recall blowing my pedicure out tripping over something in Istanbul, and making an appointment for repair on the ship. I seem to recall having to wait a few days as they were busy (if, indeed, that is what I had done...I only recall "feet"...oh, aren't I a big help??) I think I recall someone in our group winning a massage in a drawing on the ship. As far as hair, do not fret...your hair will look terrible for the entire trip!! You will have "hat hair" from having to wear sun protection while trapsing through the ruins, and the sea breeze will be the fait accompli on whatever style might remain!! So, I guess the answer hair repair!

    I think you've nailed it, Joyce. Love your work. And I hope Garp will appreciate your practical advice. You will always have a hat on in any photos. I'd suggest you make an appointment for the instant after you get home.
  • Not every person has the same set of problems with hair.thinkif chemo recipients etc., but your judgmental opinions are making me think twice about embarking on a journey with people who have your kind of sense of humor; decidedly inconsiderate and ill advised.!garp may have to travel alone without his mate!
  • Garp, I don't think anyone was trying to be hurtful even if it did feel like it. Sounds like this is a pretty rough and ready tour where appearance is low on the priority list. Maybe you'd be happier with more elegant accommodations. I'd recommend you decide based on whether this is the right ambiance for you, the sights and activities you want to see, etc., not what is written in jest on this forum.
  • edited May 2015
    Ah garp, now I realize that you were posting on behalf of your mate. My serious part of my reply was I thought quite practical. If you have not been on a cruise before, you might not have realized that it's windy out to sea and that most of us wear hats to protect us from the sun too. One of the reasons I wear a hat is to protect my hair color, because it fades too quickly in sun. I think I do what most women do before any trip, go to the salon the day before I leave for a trip, get a haircut and color and then hope for maybe the first half hour of the day that people around me might think, oh that's a nice hairstyle/ color! Before the wind and the hat have their way. Trying to worry more than that defeats the purpose of a trip, with let's face it, a bunch of people you are most unlikely to see again. I'd like to think that I could enjoy conversing and traveling with all the people who engage in conversation here rather than those who just state the date of their tour and their names, what use is that to anyone. I know you will have a fantastic time on your tour, don't be put off by our ramblings that occasionally do have some useful and interesting information.
    This very moment I'm on a trip. Second night, it's 12-45 am and I am in jet lag mode, lying wide awake and grateful to have some forum posts to read. It's also kinda fun to me to think at least Jan in Australia might be reading this, unless of course she is also away from home!
  • garp wrote:
    Not every person has the same set of problems with hair.thinkif chemo recipients etc., but your judgmental opinions are making me think twice about embarking on a journey with people who have your kind of sense of humor; decidedly inconsiderate and ill advised.!garp may have to travel alone without his mate!
    I'm sorry you have taken offence, garp. I will now assume that you, like myself, are not an American. Generally speaking, US humour is quite different to other laugh inducing behaviours. Some of us are bi-lingual, humour wise, others not so much. It is pretty much a mixed bag here because this is a world-wide forum. I tell you this simply because you might like to know that the principal national group on your chosen trip will most likely be US citizens. You will find a sprinkling of international guests on Tauck trips, but it will be the luck of the draw for your departure. As has already been suggested, perhaps you might find another trip will suit you better.

    By way of explanation all I can say is (using an Aussie flavour) that blokes can be thick sometimes. Doesn't mean this one actually is ... but sometimes it suits to generalise, doesn't it. I did my best to deflect him, and a couple of other ladies jumped in with what I thought was fairly sensitive and practical advice. We had no notion of your personal circumstances ... how could we? We do get an awful lot of really strange and terribly naive questions here. Perhaps your question landed on the Forum on a particularly trying day. I hope you can find it in you to give us another chance?

  • British wrote:
    It's also kinda fun to me to think at least Jan in Australia might be reading this, unless of course she is also away from home!
  • Garp,
    So sorry your question has generated much discussion on everything other than what you asked. As someone who has actually taken this trip, I wished I could have given you a more definitive answer, but as I mentioned in my post, I believe the Windspirit had more of a "spa" (modified) than a salon. On another note, there is really VERY little time on the ship, other than the first day traveling through the Dardanelles when you probably would not need a salon. At other times you are docked and on tour or exploring an area on your own. By the time you get back to the ship, it is time to change, maybe see a performance, have dinner, and fall into bed so you are fresh to repeat that the following day! We left from Istanbul and were the last to board the ship. By that time, all of the earlier appointments (at whatever they had) were taken (it was a very small operation). You could always call Tauck just to confirm the ship's amenities...And, even though you didn't ask, Tauck travelers are really a great bunch...usually well-educated, interesting, witty and, above all, friendly. So sorry you have gotten the wrong impression.
  • Three things:

    1. Wild guess is that Garp or Garp's spouse is an American....wild guess. The thin skin gives that away. We've become a nation of weenies who get upset over every comment.

    2. If you want us to take special hair concerns into account, then say that up front. This isn't FaceTime and we can't see you and any particular hair issues you may have. If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question. Most of us have been the "victims" (I use that term loosely because it seems to be something most of my countrymates seem to think they are) of some sort of humor (humour...there goes a shot over the bow for Jan and British) in here. Most of us have thick enough skin to shrug it off and move on.

    3. You got some good advice from people. Having been on this cruise with my wife I know that you are in for some bad hair days. If that is a deal killer, then don't go on the cruise. You'll miss out on a great adventure. We were not on the Windstar, we had another small ship (I forget the name, but it was a great boat with 60 passengers and 55 crew members. If you THOUGHT you needed something, they had it before you told them.). The only time there was no wind to mess up your hair is inside the ship.

    Although the buzz part of my comment was in jest (I think you need to pack a sense of humor...humour) my wife did get a shorter haircut prior to this trip. She found it useful and knew she could grow her hair out when she returned home.

    The best advice you received in here is to reevaluate your trip choice and figure out what your real priorities are. The people I have traveled with are very good travelers with intelligence, travel experience, a desire for knowledge, and FUNNY!!! I have made several friends I stay in contact with and hope that their friendship continues. I spent a lot of time talking seriously with them and also laughing my fool head off. Some of the jokes I laughed the hardest at were at my expense.

    You will love this trip if you have a love for history. Istanbul was fantastic. I had no idea what it would be like and it surpassed my wildest imagination. I enjoyed our ports of call in Turkey and Greece, the intimacy of the small boat (I find it hard to call it a ship), the food, service staff, and tour guides (Mike and Seth).

    No matter what, it is your choice. If you go have a great time and let the wind blow through your hair. (That is a joke.)

  • Okay, I am going to pop in here once again for what, I guess, will be my swan song. I do not consider myself thin skinned nor a weenie, but I, too, have been embarrassed and offended by some of the comments on this thread and a few others. I think one has to remember that a verbal comment carries with it all sorts of subtlities ...vocal inflection, eye contact, body language, etc. that help the receiver understand the intent of that comment. The written word, however, is memorialized and does not carry any of those things that might enable him or her to understand the intent of the writer. If someone is new to this forum and asks an honest question, then he or she is entitled to an honest, non-judgemental answer. If that is not possible, then do not answer.
    I have been participating in this forum for more than ten years, in fact, from the old Ask & Share days. I did not take posting this message lightly and let quite a bit of time pass before I decided to air my opinion. I am going to take a hiatus from this forum for a few months , and I sincerely hope that those of you who continue to particate will remember that the Forum has been created to share helpful information and to maximize the travel experience.
    No need to comment or reply. My intent is NOT to start another controversial discussion.
  • garp wrote:
    Any women concerned with lack of hair salon during the cruise?

    All the other 'helpful' information aside, the Windspa does all kinds of hair styling and services. You can probably book in advance if you call Windstar. I have cruised with them six times.
  • Anyone concerned with having their hair done, there is a salon on the Windstar with a talented stylist on duty

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