Classic Italy May 20, 2015

Just wondering if anyone has suggestions for pre day activities in or near Sorrento other than Capri.


  • edited April 2015
    There are a number of prior posts that have some suggestions- here are a few; hire a car and driver or take a train/bus/taxi to Herculaneum (similar to but different than Pompeii which is on your tour), see the sights of Naples, National Archeological Museum, attend the Opera in Naples, visit the Capodimonte porcelain factory/museum (its on the hill above Naples), visit the Colosseum (Flavian Ampitheater which is smaller than, but some of which is in better shape than its larger cousin in Rome), Roman baths, and Solfatara (volcano caldera) in Pozzuoli, a northern suburb of Naples, visit the nearby town of Positano, or just wander around Sorrento. You can Google all of these for more info, as well as investigating various modes of transportation. Another source of info on sights is TripAdvisor.
  • Thank you for all the suggestions, Alan! I would have made some of the same ones but you beat me to the punch!

  • Does anyone have any experience with Sorrento Food Tours? And if so is their meet up point within walking distance of the Grand Hotel La Favorita? (meet up is in the main square of Sorrento is that close to the hotel?). I haven't booked this for my extra day pre trip but I did something similar in Paris and it was wonderful.
  • edited April 2015
    Google maps is your friend.

    Piazza Tasso, the main square in Sorrento, is 400m (1/4 mi.) and a 5 min. walk from The Grand Hotel La Favorita.
  • Some may think this is a tourist trap, but I really liked the tram tour of Sorrento that was just outside of hotel gates.

    Enjoy your trip!

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