Yellowstone in Winter - February 10, 2016

Thought I would get a post going for this departure date. Very much looking forward to it. I was last in Yellowstone in 1965 but it was summer. Seeing it covered with snow will be an experience. This will be my second tour with Tauck. I am traveling solo, but have a friend I met on my first tour taking this one as well. Took the advice of others who have gone before and already have our names on a list for a dog sledding tour the morning of the 10th.

Look forward to connecting with others booked on this tour.


  • So excited! Put my deposit down for the Yukon Trek dog sled tour at Chico Springs today. Will be going on the morning of Feb. 10. I had read in other posts that they fill up early, so wanted to be sure to get it booked. Looking forward to the trip.
  • I have been watching the live web cam of Old Faithful on the Yellowstone website. It is beautiful with a light covering of snow on the ground. Here is the link if you are interested: Anyone else on the forums booked on the Feb. 10 tour?
  • That is a great live cam of Old Faithful. My wife and I check it out very often. Both of us are looking forward to the trip, my second. Spending two night prior to tour in Bozeman and the gift of time after the tour at the Wort Hotel in Jackson Hole.
  • I am arriving on the 9th and also spending an additional night in Jackson Hole. Will be meeting up with a friend I met on the Best of Ireland tour in 2014. We have a dog sled trek reserved for the 10th so very happy to see so much snow on the ground. Speaking of the web cam, a week ago Sunday there were about 10 buffalo grazing around the area. The operators of the web cam zoomed in to where they were. Very cool, hope they make a return visit while we are there. Looking forward to the trip and meeting everyone.
  • FYI, bison, not buffalo
  • Picky, Picky. Either species tastes like chicken. I have never seen bison for sale at a market, the ground meat is always buffalo. Of course you are correct Bison are the animals in Yellowstone.

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