Power Converters & Adapters

Traveling to Italy this summer. Any suggestions of best places to acquire power converters and adapters necessary to use US products while there. Have looked on-line and there are several web sites offering them but would like to hear from experienced travelers which are the best to use. Thanks.


  • Check out Flight001 website. Excellent products and service- have used their adaptors for all our Tauck trips.
  • You can just about walk into any store like Target. BedBath and Beyond etc etc and find adapters. I think that is all you will need. Adapters are something you put at the end of a U.S. Plug so that it will fit in the outlets you will find in Italy. So this will work on your tablets, phone and camera. Hairdryers are provided, so that is sorted. The only thing that might need a converter which changes the U.S. 110 to the usual 220 to 240 found in most of European countries is likely a hair curler and even then, these are the things that people say may blow out all the lights and fuses. So what I am saying is, most U.S. Products like phone tablet and camera have internal converters. Other things not so much unless you buy dual voltage and change it over when you arrive in Europe, but you will still need an adapter plug for those.
  • If you have more than one device (phone, camera, tablet, etc.) that will need recharging, another suggestion is to also get a small, travel power strip. Plug your adapter into a wall socket then plug the power strip into the adapter. Then you can plug multiple (dual voltage) chargers into the power strip at the same time.

    This "Monster" power strip available from Amazon has 4 receptacles and a short, neatly stowing cord.

  • I got a adaptor at bed and bath that will do 3 at a time.
  • U.S. to China - do I need an adapter? It doesn't look like it on Flight 001
  • Thanks everyone for your input. I believe I now know which way to go.
  • I'll have to look into this, but does anyone know if the adapter for the Middle East (Israel) is the same for Italy?

    I am from the U.S.


  • Try posting this on the forum page for those tours, you may get better responses from people who have done those tours.
  • Israel is the same as Europe (Italy), providing you are using a two prong, ungrounded adapter. The three prong, grounded version is unique to Israel.
  • I find this site to be helpful;
    It lets you check any country's plug type and power easily.

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