Meal Tipping and Versailles

We will be arriving a day early and will therefore be paying for our meals prior to the trip starting. Does anyone know if France is like other Countries in Europe where tips are part of the meal bill ?

Also; I had read in this forum somewhere that the Palace at Versailles is within walking distance from the hotel. Can anyone confirm if this is true or not.



  • Some restaurants include the tip, some do not. The bill makes it clear
  • Al wrote:

    Also; I had read in this forum somewhere that the Palace at Versailles is within walking distance from the hotel. Can anyone confirm if this is true or not.


    Tauck's website description for the hotel says, "Night 1: Trianon Palace Versailles – A Waldorf Astoria Hotel - Versailles, France. Just a short trip from Paris, Trianon Palace Versailles – A Waldorf Astoria Hotel, is situated in the heart of Versailles on the edge of the royal domain in a three-acre wooded park, less than a mile from Louis XIV’s famed Cháteau de Versailles.
  • I am sure that there are other 'apps' that do the same, but one of my favorite trip planning tools is '' It is not only for driving directions. When you hit 'get directions', icons for a car, a bus, a bike, and a pedestrian pop up. So if you highlight the pedestrian, you can get walking directions and map from point A to point B. I put in the hotel and the Chateau, and as Alan posted and Tauck has represented, MapQuest shows a walking route of 0.84 miles between the two.
  • Generally, service is included in France. Adding an extra euro or two or leaving the change is nice. The menu or the check will typically say "Service compris" meaning service is included (no tip needed). If the service is not included it should say "Service non compris" somewhere.
  • Thank you all for the very helpful responses.

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