Weather in Ireland currently, June 8, 2015
We will be traveling to Ireland next week. Please comment on the weather currently and, if you know the forecast, for next week, please share that, too. Hope you're having a wonderful tour. Thank you.
I added customized countdown timers and Weatherunderground time/temp gizmos for listed locations to the homepage I built for my computer's Internet browser. We are taking the 5 September 2015, Best of Ireland tour (and the 22 May 2016 Classic Italy, Small Groups tour). Here is a partial screen grab I just did. It looks a bit nippy in the northeast!:
When visiting the Cliffs of Moher, the rains and winds were practically torrential. Going into the visitor's center after, I noticed that almost all of the pictures on display showed like conditions.
I still wouldn't have missed it for the world!