August 27 2015 trip

We are arriving a day early for this trip so that we can see Munich. I have not been there for many years and my husband has never been there. I have read about the segway tour and that sounds like an easy, fun way to see the city. There are a couple of tour groups and I am leaning towards Viator as we have been happy with them before. Any fellow travelers out there planning this? We plan on the 27th before the Welcome dinner.


  • Not on this tour, but we used Viator for booking a Segway tour of Paris before our French Waterways and Vineyards tour. Viator is basically a booking company that contracts with various companies throughout the world. I would have no reservations recommending them.

    This Segway tour as the second we had done . . . great way to whet your appetite for what Tauck will show you!
  • We are also arriving a day early and the Segway tour sounds like a great idea! Can't Wait.......
  • That's great, we are looking forward to it also. Hope we'll see you on the Segway tour
  • edited July 2015
    We did this in 2014. It is really fun and interesting. I have a more lengthy discussion in a thread in the UA&D forum.

    Riding the Segway is not the focus, touring around Munich is. It is just more fun and you can see a lot more quickly and easily. You start with a short training session, but honestly it takes only a few minutes to learn and in 5 you are a pro!

    The tour which is limited to 8 people + guide, stops regularly so your guide can tell about places and relevant history. You don't stop long enough to go into any buildings, etc. Our guide with "City Segway Tours," was a Brit and a real hoot, but he knew his history. I mounted a GoPro to my helmet and shot a video of our tour. Even though I edited it down and used fast playback speed for some segments, it ended up being quite long as far YouTube type videos go, so I never got around to uploading it. I also took a DSLR for still shots- the Segway has a small pouch on the front which will hold a rain poncho and a few other small items.

    We didn't use Viator, but booked online, directly with the company. Their small office is just past Marienplatz, about a 10 min. walk from the Four Seasons. While on the Classic Italy tour next spring, we plan to do a Segway tour of Florence during a free afternoon.

    If you haven't booked yet, you better do it immediately!!! I hope it is not already full. Have fun!

    Look, Ma, no hands! If you look closely an this photo of our group you can see the GoPro on my helmet.

  • So, never having been on a bus tour, wondering this - can I pack a suitcase and a larger carryon, then bring a backpack for the bus?
  • Although really you are supposed to put only one large bag under the bus, the bus drivers often put some extra bags under the bus, but it is usually at the invitation of the tour director as you can imagine if everyone did this then there would be no room. In addition, especially if the tour is not full, some people put their bags on the back seats of the bus, but some people might want to split up and sit on those seats so everyone is by a window for site seeing which is a good thing. We tend to travel with a medium suitcase and a small backpack each,the size of a school backpack, in fact my husband's was a school backpack I bought at Costco years ago, it is quite beaten up. My backpacks vary, but are one of several different patterned Vera Bradley school backpack designs thes days. In there we have one to two spare outfits each, a spare pair of shoes, our iPads and cameras, phones and adapters and paperwork and at least one book, oh and a swimsuit if opportunity to swim is a high priority and in case our big suitcase goes astray. We also have a fold to nothing backpack that we use for day to day on the bus and I have a very light fold to nothing handbag I mean pocket book or whatever the term is for a lady small bag. I always take tons of clothes with me on a trip, but they always fit into a medium suitcase, if you buy and pack wisely your traveling clothes there should be no need for huge bags and No we rarely get laundry done, my travel clothes are treated like I would treat very expensive designer duds, if i had any. When you travel you want to travel looking as if you are dirt poor and that your bags are not worth stealing or taking a peak in. Travel light, no one is going to judge you about how often you change your clothing though they might make comment if your style is outrageous. Pack light!

  • This being our seventh Tauck trip, I have to say that I rarely take a carry on during the day. OK, perhaps a waterproof if it looks wet, and my camera/sun hat, but being a bloke the rest stays in my main suitcase - medium size. I just don't see the need to cart stuff around inside the coach day after day. Tauck look after all the cases, so for the most part at least, I find carry ons unnecessary clutter.

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