Physical Limitations

We are taking a friend with us for the Australia/New Zealand trip, and wonder about the physical limitations as she needs a walker to get around, and has limited mobility. Will she be able to participate in most acitivities, or will she be limited to sitting around waiting?


  • I think that generally Tauck states that they are not usually good tours for people with mobility issues. I can't speak specifically to the Australia New Zealand trip
  • She is going to miss out on a lot of things, even getting on and off the internal flights which use stairs not walkways. I would think this needs a call to Tauck
  • Read the "Health and Activity" tab in the "Before you Go" and give Tauck a call.

    Here are some extracts from the before you go:

    "You should be in good health and able to walk moderate to significant distances over varied terrain. Some of the most memorable sightseeing can only be accomplished on foot. Pack sturdy, comfortable walking shoes that have already been broken-in in order to appreciate fully the challenging terrain of the beaches, rainforests and outback.

    Likewise, the very limited cargo capacity on such flights prohibits the transport of wheelchairs or motorized scooters.

    Guests should also bear in mind that the infrastructure in many foreign countries, particularly in developing countries, often presents severe and even insurmountable challenges for those with walking difficulties or other mobility issues. The responsibility of the Tauck Director is to ensure that the larger group enjoys a relaxing and informative journey, and he or she cannot be relied upon to provide ongoing individual assistance to any one guest. Guests requiring such individualized assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied companion who can provide it.

    If you have a medical condition that might limit your participation in activities, please consult your physician for pre-departure health advice and notify us as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We will advise your Tauck Director accordingly."

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