Essence of South America October 20th 2015

My husband and I are booked on this trip, our 8th with Tauck. I have read the problems people have had with acquiring the visas for Brazil. We are using, at Tauck's recommendation, Visa Central. There was one little glitch, theirs not mine, and they have apologized profusely. They received all of our documents last Friday and they have assured me we will have the passports back in "a few weeks". For those of you that paid what I consider to be excessive fees, our fees were quite reasonable. Time will tell but I intend to monitor this closely until I have them returned.


  • Just in case you have a British or Irish passport , I thought you might with your name, you do not need a visa with these passports. Check the Brazilian consulate web page..the site also mentions they do not guarantee any quicker service if people use a visa service. I had pretty much discounted a trip to Brazil because I did not want to be without my passport for so long, but then a friend who regularly visited Brazil told me about the British/ Irish visa exemption
  • My maiden name is O'Donnell. My married name is Edelmuth (many years). Good old USA passport. This will be our 8th trip with Tauck. Our Australia and New Zealand trip this past March had to be cancelled because of a sudden illness. Now looking at the same trip for January for a big birthday celebration. Tauck has never let us down. We travel (8 trips as well) with an Alumni association and enjoy that as well. While they are fun they are not quite in the league with good old Tauck! My sister and her husband tried to get Ireland passports but could not meet the qualifications.
  • I see some complaints about Visa Central. I just want you to know that I just received our passports with the Brazil visas this morning. It took exactly 8 days from start to finish! I am really impressed!

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