What Does a Mountain View room at the Banff Springs Hotel Really Look Like?
Tauck provides us with a standard Fairmont Hotel Mountain/Bow River Valley room at the Banff Springs Hotel on this tour. The 200 sq ft standard room (unless you get lucky with a larger room) is nothing special. The views out the tiny window can be quite pretty as my room view was. The hotel itself is beautiful and is worthy of extensive exploration. The gym and pool are lovely. The nearby Bow River Waterfalls must be visited. To see the 1 minute video of this room, please go to the You Tube link below.
Summary: A standard smallish (by Tauck standards) room in a great setting!!!

Summary: A standard smallish (by Tauck standards) room in a great setting!!!
It is helpful for some to see photos of Tauck accommodations, etc. Others don't care.
Les, sorry about the misunderstanding. Since I was one of those who accused your posts of possibly being spam, let me tell you how I came to that determination.
Lately, the Tauck forums have been routinely attacked by spammers. First, you posted the exact same text on at least five* sub-forums, almost simultaneously (*posts #7268, 7269, 7270, 7271, 7272). That is a common practice of spammers like the guy who shows up on the Tauck forums regularly trying to peddle fake passports. In addition to looking like spam, it forces other informative posts off the "Active Discussions" page.
Your text launches right into a discussion of the room. You did not say which trip you took or anything about it, e.g. "I just returned from Tauck's the Best of the Canadian Rockies tour, etc. We had a wonderful time, etc., etc., etc. The rooms were, etc, etc. If you are interested in seeing what a room looks like, you can view the video I shot of our room and the fantastic view from our window." If viewer just read the title and text of your post and didn't watch the video, it might seem like someone was posting an unsolicited ad for or a slam against the Fairmont.
I don't often visit YouTube, so I don't recall seeing a YouTube URL as you listed it, with a decimal in the middle. The two dozen or so YouTube videos I just checked didn't have the decimal.
I'm sure it means something to you, but your screen name doesn't send good vibes- imalemon =? I'm a lemon???
There are exceptions*, but since Tauck guests rarely have any input into their room selection, unless there is a specific question, I don't see much reason for your video as presented. *By working directly with the hotel and paying extra, we were upgraded to a room with a castle view in Edinburgh during our England, Scotland, Wales trip.
I hope this helps you understand why some of us were a bit skeptical and that it will help you in the future.
I, too, was suspicious of the strange (to me) url. Just behind the times, I guess, since here's the explanation that Google introduced youtu.be as a shortened url (in 2009!) to help shorten overall url length.