Type of clothing

My only complaint is the lack of advising what clothing to bring. We found that most people dressed very casual, need casual wear for the bus rides. The restaurants are first class, but wearing jeans, Levi's to dinner is fine. Many people dressed up a little for the farewell dinner, but there was no need to do that, jeans would have been great. We had warm weather so many men wore shorts. If you have a raincoat bring it. Walking to breakfast at Jasper Lodge is was raining, so a raincoat and umbrella was needed. A warm jacket is needed for the tram ride and maybe on the glacier walk. An outstanding trip.


  • edited August 2015
    There is an advised list of clothing for every tour including this one on the tour page. Some people on the forum think the lists are too generic amd old fashioned for today's travelers, including me, but there is a list for you to see. You can see it on the Before You Go section or Packing Tips

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