
Is there any place on the tour where we can do some laundry if we need to?


  • pammy59 wrote:
    Is there any place on the tour where we can do some laundry if we need to?

    We never saw any evidence of a self service laundry in the hotels which are mostly outside town. The hotels are, of course, prepared to wash those items which cannot be hand washed in your room. Since there is nothing to be done about it, you just have to grin and bear the pretty impressive costs for the service.

    Greg Jones
  • I hardly ever do anything but wash a few pieces of underwear, the exception being Africa , where we had laundry done because our luggage did not arrive for 24 hours and then we did another couple of things halfway through because t is so cheap. I'm still not sure why people feel the need to do laundry on vacation, don't they take enough clothes with them. I can fit tons in my medium size suitcase and small backpack. If anyone requires packing tips, please let me know.
  • Packing tips are always welcome.

    This thread reminds me of what happened to a friend on a visit to Ireland. Needed to use the hotel's washing machine (at an upscale hotel in fact) but didn't quite understand the controls. Ended up with a very nice sweater - for a small child. Oops.

    I'm finding packing this season easier than normal with all the modal and rayon blend knits. Thin, comfortable, and if need be easy to launder in a sink.

    Good luck Pammy.

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