Anyone going on the Dec. 13 NB Rhine cruise? And do we really need Swiss Francs?

This is my second riverboat cruise with Tauck and my 10th tour with them (I did the Taste of France cruise last year). Am a solo traveler so am always happy to meet others on the same trip.

I arrive in Basel at 2:05pm and we are supposed to embark at 4pm so I only have Euros since it didn't look like we spend any time in Switzerland. Just wondering if I really should bring some Swiss money or if I won't need it.


  • We just returned from the Rhine/Moselle southbound with 2 extra days in Basel. The answer on swiss francs depends on how you spend your time between arrival and embarkation. If you arrive at 2, clear customs, pick up baggage and meet your driver, you'll likely get to the ship about 3 or later. You could opt to just hang out in the lounge where there will probably be drinks and snacks until you can get into your room. In that case, you won't need any swiss francs.

    Our ship was not docked near anything particularly walkable so you'd need a taxi to go anywhere unless you just want to stretch your legs.

    If you decide to go to the Christmas market in Basel and spend money, here is the low down. You can spend Euros in Switzerland (bills not coins) but will likely get swiss francs as change. You can also use your credit card. I wouldn't count on either of those options with market vendors who may not want the hassle. So, if you want to shop at the market, you may do best to find an ATM and get a small amount of swiss francs.

    Have fun.
  • For those who also sre going to swiss, no curranbcy is not an aching question there.

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