Turkey Land of Contrasts

I mistakenly originally posted this on the Eastern Europe site. I have signed up for the Turkey Land of Contrasts trip beginning on April 26, 2016. I have been on two previous Tauck tours, but this will be my first time traveling solo. I would love to hear of others' experiences on this trip and look forward to meeting others who will be on the same tour.


  • If your tour was cancelled then I believe you should be reimbursed with your airfare by Tauck. They are usually very generous this way
  • It should be interesting to see how this plays out.

    All 2016 departures appear sold out, including the 12 April. While there are certainly other reasons for Tauck to cancel, recent civil unrest in Istanbul or areas of Turkey isn't outside the realm of possibilities. If so, I suspect more than the 12 April departure might be affected.
  • I always book directly with Tauck. It might have saved you some anxiety about your air fare and they may have suggested an alternative trip you might enjoy.
  • No, my trip is not happening, either. I'm very disappointed. Trying to arrange Plan B.
  • I do understand why Tauck canceled the tours for the year, if people are not signing up and do not feel comfortable traveling there, and if Tauck feels anyone's safety may be at risk they are doing the right thing. As disappointed as I am too at not being able to go on this tour this year, Tauck had to make a judgement call with everyone's safety in mind (and if few were signing up for the tours out of concerns, that too I am sure played into the decision). I do appreciate Tauck helping out with flight cancellation fees. Looking at possible other tours this year, else will be working to get arrangements for a tour next year.
  • edited January 2016
    I wonder if Treasures of the Aegean is in jeopardy?

    That tour which also includes the islands and Greece, has less "exposure" than Turkey, Land of Contrasts. There are no in-country flights, no bus trips (except for a short one from the port in Kusadasi to nearby Ephesus), but still includes 3 days in Istanbul and stops along Turkey's west coast at Kusadai/Ephesus and Bodrum.

    There is still limited space in some of the 2016 Treasures departures so is something to consider as an alternative.
  • I am booked on Treasures of the Aegean for June 8th and I have not been informed of any cancellations. As noted by AlanS, Treasures doesn't have any exposure to southern or eastern parts of Turkey, so probably not in jeopardy unless things take a dramatic turn for the worse.

    What took place in Istanbul last month could've occurred just as easily in Paris, Rome, Madrid -- you name it. I'm not ready to give in to fear and stop traveling because a few lunatics want to make a statement.
  • I asked about Turkey for this year yesterday and was told both 2016 and 2017 tours were cancelled. So sad but, having been to Istanbul last year, and given what's been happening in that region, I agree with Tauck's decision.

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