Early Arrival Santiago, Late Departure Rio

My wife & I and another couple are scheduled for the tour beginning in Santiago on October 7, 2016......We plan to fly into Santiago 2 days early on Oct 5 & leave Rio the same day tour ends.....Only workable flights arrive Santiago around 8AM & leave Rio around 10PM....... Since these times are well before & after normal checkin/checkout times at Tauck's hotels, does anyone have a creative suggestion on where to stay/go during the extra time? Seems crazy to sign up for even more extra days at expensive Tauck hotels to use for only a few hours. Many thanks.


  • edited February 2016
    While I haven't taken this specific tour, it is likely that Tauck have made some arrangement with the hotel to accommodate those who arrive at an early morning time. Call Tauck and ask. We always identify ourselves as Tauck customers when we arrive at the Tauck hotel, as it usually means we are likely to get some preferential treatment because Tauck will be responsible for large reliable bookings at the hotel and the hotel does not want to losse their custom. If the majority of people are leaving the tour on the same flight as you, you may find that Tauck has some kind of agreement with the hotel for use of a day room, again, call and ask them. We have friends who travel independently all over the world. They just sent me stories of heir latest travels. If they arrive at a hotel very early and they are told the room is not ready, they make a big thing about spreading out in the lobby and falling asleep, their room is miraculously ready very quickly, they reckon it works every time, you could try doing that if you are bold enough!
  • British wrote:
    We have friends who travel independently all over the world. They just sent me stories of heir latest travels. If they arrive at a hotel very early and they are told the room is not ready, they make a big thing about spreading out in the lobby and falling asleep, their room is miraculously ready very quickly, they reckon it works every time, you could try doing that if you are bold enough!
    I love it! I would never be bold enough to try it, though.
  • jacksonn wrote:
    My wife & I and another couple are scheduled for the tour beginning in Santiago on October 7, 2016......We plan to fly into Santiago 2 days early on Oct 5 & leave Rio the same day tour ends.....Only workable flights arrive Santiago around 8AM & leave Rio around 10PM....... Since these times are well before & after normal checkin/checkout times at Tauck's hotels, does anyone have a creative suggestion on where to stay/go during the extra time? Seems crazy to sign up for even more extra days at expensive Tauck hotels to use for only a few hours. Many thanks.

    Tauck provides a Hospitality Suite for the groups use. Checkout is noon in Rio, but Hospitality Suite is available till you depart.
    This information is on the last page of the itinerary from Tauck, on line.
  • We took this tour in March. Our room was ready when we arrived in Santiago in the early morning. Everybody's flights home were late in Rio and Tauck did provide two hospitality rooms -- one for men and one for women. Many of us chose to pay the half day rate and keep our rooms until departure for the airport. Of course this is subject to availability.

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