Purchase in Sorrento vs pack for trip?

Instead of packing liquid items, is it easy enough to find them in Sorrento? Contact solution is the most concerning, but also items such as mouth wash, hair products, etc. Through Google Maps I found a Farmaporto (pharmacy) and Deco (supermarket) that are close to the hotel. Has anyone shopped there and know what brands, if any, of contact solution (and other item I mentioned) they carry? Comparable to what is found in the US?


  • You can carry all these products in your checked luggage. For the solution for your contacts, I would take a travel size in my carry-on since I would consider that an essential in case my checked bag is lost or delayed. The Tauck hotels usually carry a good range of shampoo conditioner body wash body lotion. I always take a small wash bag with travel size everything, it takes up very little room and is not that heavy. The only item we take in large size is sun screen. I have only ever had to resort to buying any toiletry once while on a Tauck trip and that happens to be in Italy, I ran out of face base makeup and asked our Tour Director which store to go into when we were in Siena where it would not cost me an arm and a leg. I find that toiletry products in most countries are far more expensive than in the US but all the usual brands are there. I end up rarely using most of the things I take with me but they are there if I need them. As soon as I get home, I replenish the bag so it is ready to grab next time I go away.
  • Are you looking for answer on this question because you do like to check bag even when free? Pretty much anything is available in Europe that is here (may not be the name brand you want), but like British said might be more expensive.

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