best form of transportation from Rome to Naples/Sorrento

My husband and I will be flying into Rome on June 20 and will be spending a couple of days there celebrating our anniversary before beginning our June 22 tour which begins in Sorrento. We are considering purchasing train tickets to Naples but now not so sure If we should just travel straight down to Sorrento instead. Does anyone know if a Tauck transfer is included from the Naples train station, we know a transfer is included from the airport? Please advise.


  • Yes. Please read the "Before You Go" section of this website for your tour- it has lots of good info! Here is what it says in the very first section, "Inclusive Prices>Tour Prices:"

    "Tour prices are per person in U.S. dollars. All hotel accommodations, motor coach transportation, first-class accommodations on the Italo high-speed train from Florence to Venice, entertainment, special dinners, sightseeing, admissions, porterage and the services of local guides, drivers and the Tauck Director are included. Transportation from Naples International Airport or Naples Central Train Station to the Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria is included, regardless of the time you check in to the hotel, provided you have furnished us with accurate flight arrival information at least three weeks before to the start of your tour. If you are arriving into another local train station please retain a receipt from your transfer and submit it to your Tour Director for reimbursement. Transportation from The Westin Europa & Regina Hotel to Venice to Marco Polo Airport or Santa Lucia Train Station is also included on when you check out of the hotel. Transportation to and from airports and train stations may be shared with other Tauck guests."

  • I must have read right over this section, thank you. I suppose I should go back and re-read just incase I missed something else. Much appreciated!

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