Amsterdam to Budapest, Sept. 17, 2016 , M.S Treasures

Anyone taking this cruise? We are a couple from New Hampshire and would love to "Pre-Connect" with others on this cruise....


  • Just made final deposit. Looking forward to our first river cruise with Tauck. We're from Illinois.
  • Hello. We are a couple from Ohio and are looking forward to this cruise too. We are arriving a day early in Amsterdam. Anyone else doing that? Would love to get together on the 16th.
  • We arriving Thursday AM staying at the Amstel Intercontinental...looking forward to the cruise. We'll check in with the Tauck desk to see if other cruisers have arrived at the hotel.
  • The TDs are unlikely to be at the hotel until the morning of the 17th. However, the hotel front desk will know if others on the tour are there.
  • I am wondering due to security whether an hotel member of staff would be allowed to tell you exactly who else was on the tour and what their names were and room numbers and so on.
  • Good point. They might not.

  • You should not have any problems identifying Tauck guests at the Intercontinental Amstel. What a fine property. We met several very interesting folks at the Amstel. Don't be shy or afraid to strike up a conversation in the lobby or the restaurants. We had a fabulous time at the property.

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