Rhine, Swiss Alps, Amsterdam

This is our first Tauck river cruise. We are wondering if a cocktail dress and sport coat with slacks will be proper attire for special evening dinners. We are also planning to take the train to the Alps, how warm do we have to dress. Thank you.


  • Please clarify which tour you are going on, and what time of year. That influences answers about dress and weather. Please also note, if you look on the website page for your tour and open up the Before You Go section, you will find a weather section as well as dress suggestions, though on this subject, ideas appear to vary.
  • Your evening attire is more than adequate. I've been on 2 Tauck cruises and don't think I own anything I'd call a "cocktail dress". You could also wear a nice pair of slacks and dressy top. For men, a sport coat or nice cardigan/pullover sweater. Depends on what you're more comfortable with. Evenings on board (especially in the spring/fall) can be cool. Even in the summer the sun deck can be very cool. I always recommend a wrap of some sort. My new favorite is a ruana - kind of a wrap able poncho - that I can wear on the flight over and in the evening on board.

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