Seine Flooding - impact on Louvre & D'orsay

Just saw on the news that the Louvre and D'orsay were closed due to concerns with Seine flooding. Hope this doesn't affect anyone's cruise/travel plans.


  • I, too, am wondering about the flooding in France. We have a trip scheduled next week Monte Carlo to Paris. Tauck has given us no information on the river conditions. Praying this trip does not turn into a bus trip.....way too expensive not to enjoy. I am already disappointed in my rescheduled flight that will take 19 hours from Pensacola to Nice. We paid for business class, but will end up with a 5 hour layover in Paris and economy flight to Nice. (the original flight suddenly was no longer available) ??? This is my 2nd Tauck trip and I am hoping the quality hasn't gone down hill.
  • There are a lot of strikes in France at present, so maybe your flight was impacted by that, or cancelled because of people cancelling vacations. I know it is frustrating to wait, but conditions can change rapidly in a week so I guess Tauck is hanging on a little more to see what happens . Let the forum know how Tauck treats you
  • APA wrote:
    I, too, am wondering about the flooding in France. We have a trip scheduled next week Monte Carlo to Paris. Tauck has given us no information on the river conditions. Praying this trip does not turn into a bus trip.....way too expensive not to enjoy. I am already disappointed in my rescheduled flight that will take 19 hours from Pensacola to Nice. We paid for business class, but will end up with a 5 hour layover in Paris and economy flight to Nice. (the original flight suddenly was no longer available) ??? This is my 2nd Tauck trip and I am hoping the quality hasn't gone down hill.

    Just remember Tauck has no control over flights or weather. You should call them on the river levels, but a week away might make all the difference in water levels. I just got back from Italy and was all over the news of the rain in France. I was lucky the 2 weeks I was there we had only 2 days of rain and did not rain all day.

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