Suggestion for Traveling with a 5 year old?


I was wondering if anyone could suggest a U.S.A. Bridges trip that we would be able to take next summer (2017). Our children will be 11, 10, and 5.5. It's the 5 year old I'm worried about. He will be almost 6 by then, and is very active, but I'm not sure if he would even be allowed on any of the trips. Any advice is much appreciated. This would be our first Tauck tour.



  • I would call Tauck, they are very helpful. But also if you look at each tour there is a suggested age minimum,probably in the Before You Go section of each tour. Get to know a tour before you book it by looking up all the info they provide on the website squirreled away in the pull down sections, then you have no last minute surprises.
  • I think it's no problems where to find the places for traveling with 5 y o. But it can be you have some problems in visa getting. When my friend was traveling with child we asked this company to help us. It's very fast. Think about it.
  • We are taking our then almost 8 year old grandson next summer on Cowboy Country. Told by Tauck this is the best for younger children.
  • Make sure you bring toys, books, candy, other things to keep the child busy. We have found that a busy child travels well, a bored child wants attention and can create problems.
  • As British says, please check the "Before you Go" > "Additional Information" > "Travel with Children" for Bridges tours that might interest your family. This is from the "Cowboy Country" tour but is typical:

    "Age Recommendations ― Children 8 years of age or older at the time of travel are welcome on this Tauck journey. Based upon our experience with family travelers, we have a minimum recommended age for each journey to encourage comfort and enjoyment for all of our guests. All children must be accompanied on activities by a parent or guardian. At least one guest in the traveling party must be 21 years of age or older in order to make a reservation."

    I don't know how rigid Tauck is about age, but without being facetious, unless he is a very mature 5.5 year old, minds parents and adults well, can walk up to two miles, and easily entertains himself, I suggest a visit to grandma is a better choice for him (and the rest of the family.)
  • 90% of the children get irritated, screaming because they are either be tired, bored and hungry. If you want to keep your child busy then pack a lot of candies, chocolates, toys, food. etc

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