Walking Sticks, Hiking Boots

Wondering if walking sticks or hiking boots are helpful on this trip.


  • My wife and I had our own sticks that collapsed when not needed, however, they gave everyone beautiful walking sticks (no charge) if you did not have your own. Regarding hiking boots; my wife and I wore Merrels that were gortex uppers and hiking soles. These proved themselves to be perfect for all terrrain and much lighter to wear or pack. When it rained sideways in Macchu Picchu, the gortex proved invaluable. Enjoy yourselves!
  • If you're in decent shape, neither are necessary. I wore sneakers and didn't use a hiking stick. Your "hikes" will be on dirt or partially paved paths - nothing rocky or technical.
  • Although the tour director provided ONE wooden walking stick per person, we had two collapsible "ski-pole" types of sticks per person for some of the challenging climbs like Ollantaytambo to drag ourselves upward (because we had to see everything). It was even useful to have the walking sticks at Machu Picchu (for climbing the sister peak). Remember that the air is thin and you are not as powerful as you would be at only 3,000 feet. Fold-up sticks can go into your carry bag if you don't need them. (I carried extra rubber bands to keep mine under control when in the bag.) Inca trail is a remarkable tour. Enjoy!
  • Needed neither on Peru & Galapagos and I made the trek to the Sun gate at Machu Picchu and I'm just shy of 70. A few less stable in our group used sticks during hikes on the islands, but few, if any, used them in Peru. If you take your own make sure they have rubber tips/tip covers.
  • Tauck provided great walking sticks that were very useful at Ollantaytambo and Machu Picchu. We were welcome to take them home, but most of us chose not to, because they would have had to go in checked luggage. I followed the advice of Captain Bligh and bought the same kind of Merrells that he recommended. I love them! They have replaced my former workout and walking shoes.
  • Good Morning.

    Anybody booked for the July 18th trip?

    Sharon and Garvin

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