Go to Capri or just stay in Sorrento

We are arriving in Sorrento on 9/20 for the tour that begins the 21st. We were pretty sure that we wanted to spend our extra day traveling to Capri. Now that were getting close, we are thinking about staying in Sorrento.

Is Capri really worth it or is it a lot of hype - not doing the blue Grotto

Thanks for any advice



  • I am a little confused by your question. Doesn't this tour actually go and stay in Capri? I took this tour years ago and Capri is worth seeing for sure.
  • If you have the chance to go to Capri do it. It's a lovely spot for a day trip. Try to get to Anacapri to see the Faraglioni rocks.
  • edited September 2016
    I think you posted in the wrong forum. The "Week in . . ." tour starts in Rome (in 2016 and in Positano in 2017). As British said it visits Capri and spends two nights there! There are no "Week in . . ." tours starting 21 Sept.

    I suspect you are taking the Classic Italy Tour which has a 21 Sept. departure. If so, by all means spend the day (21st) and go to Capri. It is a wonderful place. You have plenty of opportunities to see Sorrento in the evenings or afternoon, depending on when your flight arrives.

    If you look in the Classic Italy and Classic Italy, Small Groups forums you will see a number of posts on this topic- I even added some photos. Here are links to just two:


    this one has comments about the entire trip, but has a number of comments and photos from Capri:

  • Thank you all - yes, we are on the Classic Italy tour and it does not go to Capri - however, based on these responses and pix, it sure sounds like we need to spend time there - thanks again

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