The tour director does not know what type or configuration of small planes will be used until we literally get to the airport and see them land. It can be two or three little planes depending on the number of people and the planes available. The planes land, you get on and go, it's great. It is so fun to be able to shake the hand of the pilot and chat to him/her before we fly. One girl pilot looked all of 16. On some of the airlines there is a bio of each pilot and it is interesting to read them. For the flight from Maun to Cape Town, the plane was a 38 seater.
After departure and once were were at cruising altitude (10,000' MSL which was only about 5000' above the ground!) he connected an MP3 player to his headset and silently grooved to his tunes for the rest of the flight! All the while, (safely) flying the plane and constantly fiddling with the aircraft radio, radar, and navigation equipment, etc. - a bit ADHD or just a typical Millenial?