Leisure dinner

How does the included dinners at leisure work at the FAIRMONT hotels? Do we go to any restaurant? Do we need a reservation?
This description in the itinerary is confusing for first time travelers with Tauck.
Thank you for your guidance!!


  • The TD will provide you with a list of included restaurants and book the time you want to eat.

  • I took this fabulous tour quite some time ago. The Fairmont properties are destinations in their own right! Yes, you can pick your own restaurant (unless that has changed) and depending on what time you wish to dine, you may not need a reservation. Your tour director will let you know and will sometimes ask for your meal preference in advance should there be a limited choice of entrees. Hopefully someone with more recent and direct experience will offer input.


  • Thank you!!

  • You're quite welcome. I'm not sure when your trip is but please consider reporting back with your thoughts. It's always nice to compare notes.

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