New to Tauck

My husband, brother-in-law and I have booked the May-June, 2025 tour. We were wondering who else has been on this tour and what to expect. Time alloted on tours, etc. My husband and I have been to many of the places on this tour, but our brother-in-law has not.


  • Moreen, while I haven't taken the Jewish Heritage tour, I did take the Warsaw, Budapest, Vienna & Prague tour in 2012 and again in 2018. I have traveled with Tauck many times but this tour will forever remain my favorite. My grandparents immigrated from Poland so I always arrive a few days early in Warsaw to do things on my own. On my last trip, I went to the Warsaw Zoo and visited the villa where the Zabinska's lived. Their lives were depicted in the movie "The Zookeeper's Wife" with Jessica Chastain.

  • We also took the regular tour some years ago and enjoyed it. Didn’t that zoo close?

  • I did the "regular" tour in 2017. One of my favorites, partly due to outstanding TD (Stephen Fischer) who was nicknamed The Professor for his wealth of knowledge. I considered doing the Jewish Heritage tour, but thought it would be too depressing, so chose the standard tour which included many Jewish sites. In Warsaw, I spent a half day of free time at the POLIN museum, which was included in the JH tour, but not the standard tour. Highly recommend it.

  • Thank you for the replies. I was wondering on the dress code for the private concert in the Viennese palace. Do my husband and brother-in-law need a sport coat? I'm sure I can get by with black pants and a nice top unless women have to dress up too.

  • When we took the tour, it was casual, but every group is different . There are only the Tauck people there that you have already met. In fact, one couple wore safari clothing…, that was not us.

  • Our concert was fabulous. It was a hot day and we were told the palace wasn't air conditioned. I wore shorts.
    If the concert is the same, it was only our group, so no dress code. They did have a few fans set up.

  • Thanks again for the responses. Who else is on this tour. I notice it is fully booked.

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