Kempinski Ishtar restaurants
We leave tomorrow for Jordan. We'll have a couple of dinners and perhaps a lunch at the hotel. Does anyone have a recommendation for which restaurant(s) to try?
We leave tomorrow for Jordan. We'll have a couple of dinners and perhaps a lunch at the hotel. Does anyone have a recommendation for which restaurant(s) to try?
See the old threads for suggestions on which hotel restaurant (most had more than one) to eat. Recommendations are based on individual preferences.) There really isn't much else. We went only one day early and arrived at the Kempinski Ishtar after midnight. The next day, other than other hotels there wasn't much else on the shores of the Dead Sea. Since lunch was on our own, we had pizza(?) at the hotel. The welcome dinner was at the hotel that evening. On Day 2 we toured Jerash and had a group Mezza lunch at Khayl and Layl (?) and dinner on Tauck back at the hotel. After that, almost all meals were on Tauck and there really weren't opportunities to dine elsewhere other than choices of Tauck hotel restaurants.
Thanks, Alan
My recommendation it's Rehan Lebanese Cuisine, it is AMAZING!!!!
Blue it's okay for lunch or a light meal .
Obelisk it's terrible- go only for breakfast. and, I did not bother with Akkad by the pool, I'm not a sandwich person.
In addition to the list of restaurants at mil's link you'll find menus for each one.
What is the weather? We will be there in a week. Also can you get laundry done on weekends? We are coming in from several days in London.
Last. What about the Hostages and Gaza? Is there any concern about problems affecting you and your safety?
Tauck is not too keen on risking the lives of their customers or they won’t be able to book another trip.
Temps at the Kempinski have been in the low 70’s—perfect for local touring and the Dead Sea float/mud experience. Don’t miss this experience!