Kenya/Tanzania Classic Safari - Number of travelers

Narrowing our trip selection to Kenya/Tanzania. Have previously traveled Tauck - small group. This one says limit of 30. For those who have been on this particular safari with Tauck, was 30 people too large a group?


  • No, you are split into vehicles that hold up to six people. I’ve never been on a Tauck safari that has a full complement of the max number of guests. May I suggest doing a google search, something like, what to expect on an East African safari, it might help to understand what to expect as well as past comments here.

  • We did the Classic with 30 people last September. Definitely not a problem. As British mentioned, you are in six person jeeps during all game drives. Tauck does a good job mixing drivers and guests so you get a different experience each day. For us, the plus of a slightly larger group are more opportunities to enjoy meals with different guests. Never felt we were waiting/wasting time as people assembled for a game drive or to move from spot to spot.

  • I was really lucky when I went to K & T when they opened travel to Africa after Covid, there were only 4 of us in the group, it felt like a private tour.

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