How to dress for dinner

For those of you who have traveled with Tauck, how do people dress for dinners? Have seen lot of conflicting information from this forum. Want to be dressed appropriately, - not overdressed or underdressed!


  • My wife and I were on this tour in 2023. It’s not overly dressy. I wore a sport coat a couple times, opening reception and one dinner in a fancy hotel restaurant. Most time for me, khakis or nice jeans and a polo shirt, My wife wore some nicer slacks and tops on a few occasions, but other wise nice jeans and a top. She accessorizes quite a bit with scarfs or a jacket to “dress up” her look. We did not go out looking for a nice or special restaurant on an off night. Switzerland is super expensive so we usually ate in the hotel restaurant or a more casual place.

  • Nice slacks and tops never goes wrong.

  • I have been on sixteen Tauck trips. There are few where there is not a venue that begs at least for a sport coat for men. That being said I was at one ‘special’ venue in Malta where one guy showed up in shorts and flip flops. You don’t need to ‘dress’ in Africa … most other places if men don’t have a jacket for a meal or two, they will be underdressed. Perhaps there should be two dining venues like on aircraft carriers. If you want to dine in the ‘ward room’, you wear the uniform of the day. If you are in a flight suit or working clothes, you dine in the casual dining mess. I did five cruises on aircraft carriers and never dined in the ‘ward room’ … I was always in a flight suit. On Tauck trips, I always bring a sport coat. You should do whatever makes you comfortable.

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