Vaccinations for May
Traveling in May 2025. Reading the blogs I'm confused about Yellow Fever and Hepatitis vaccines. Any recommendations: I see where bringing malaria pills is recommended. Thanks for your help!
Traveling in May 2025. Reading the blogs I'm confused about Yellow Fever and Hepatitis vaccines. Any recommendations: I see where bringing malaria pills is recommended. Thanks for your help!
Talk to your travel doctor Take a map and list of where you are going
The CDC website will tell you what vaccines you need for different countries. You can purchase malaria pills without a prescription in South Africa. You don't need malaria pills for South Africa but you do for other countries. You can start the malaria pills while you're in South Africa. The pills were about $50 per person, if I recall correctly.
A script from your regular doctor should cost less than that Also, you are traveling in May, so it’s too late to have full protection from any Hepatitis vaccine you might get, it required more than one.
Given the chaos (this is not a political position, merely fact), I am not sure I would rely on the CDC's website being updated regularly or even with accurate information any longer. I would do what British suggested by conferring with a trusted personal physician.
If you don’t trust the CDC being up to date, and Kfnknfzk may be correct on this in the present situation, then use the UK site, I’ll find the link and post it, I often use it, it’s excellent.
Here we are…..
Sophie, we are also going in May (16) tour. My doctor gave me a prescription for Doxycycline for Malaria as I am a mosquito magnet and want to take no chances. Dr. and I discussed the options, and both agreed that this worked best for me (except for the fact you must keep taking it for four weeks after you are home. It is an antibiotic. I think Yellow Fever vaccine is for the Serengeti safaris, not S. Africa. We have no plans for any other vaccinations, although I am up to date on all the basics.
Thank you, British. I didn't open your link but trust it is an excellent source. It never occurred to me to check my own country's CDC equivalent. I'll do that this weekend. Thanks.
Kfnknfzk, I found the Denmark page but then lost it. The page is not very user friendly but it’s interesting to see another country’s info
I'm surprised it is in English since the agency can't be very large. I'll look tomorrow. I guess we have digressed.
We are going in late August, Following suggestions here, we worked with Costco (they have a travel Dr, then you get the drugs from your local store). You have to fill out a very detailed form about where you’ll be, then the pharmacist calls and goes over it all with you. Both my husband and I are seniors, with health concerns. So far, we’ve been impressed with Costco, $40, vs $125 at Passport Health.
I used Costco on our last trip to Africa. I agree - worked very well and price was reasonable.
Mike - Do you have to buy vaccinations in a 24-pack at Costco?
I think they're available in a 12 pack, also
We used the Costco travel service as well and found it better and much less expensive than the local
Passport health. The prescriptions are picked up at Costco ($15 for malarone). Vaccines are also given there and are much less expensive ( eg yellow fever $400 at passport health;$115 at Costco) . It is only available in certain states , so you will have to check online. One can also get yellow fever waivers if needed ( not necessary for South Africa). I highly recommend this service if it is available to you.
Good to know about Costco for those vaccines. We've had regular flu shots etc there. We've also used them for car rentals twice and got very good deals.
Many hospitals have travel clinics and can help too. I would recommend that you check your local hospital
thanks to everyone for your feedback on the vaccinations. I have an acquaintance who I just found out is going in April to Cape Town and Kruger on safari. He spent the $1000 for a workup from Passport Health. They suggested Typhoid and Hepatitis A vaccine. Plus malaria pills, (2 days before and 7 days after your trip). Also brush your teeth with bottled water at the safari camps. After much research we'll just be doing the malaria pills. Michelle, we are on the May 16 tour as well.
$1000, unbelievable!
To be up to date with vaccines just living in the US, everyone should have vaccines like Hep A, B, tetanus etc etc. I’m assuming you already have all these routine vaccines.
Sophie, I look forward to meeting you!