Antarctica February 9, 2015



  • It has been some time since I've posted, but since we're 5 weeks away, thought I'd check in. I am still open to getting together on Sunday around noon (if all goes well) with those of you who are getting in early and wish to meet up. Assuming I will not be able to check into the hotel, I will leave my luggage at the bell stand and be ready to go. Lunch/dinner and whatever else is planned, certainly sounds good to me. I will try to sleep on the plane, but I have never been able to do that before, so doubt I will this time. However, a good dose of 5 Hour Energy will keep me motivated and moving. As we get closer, perhaps we can make arrangements to meet somewhere in the hotel lobby?

    Don't have an ATM card, so was wondering if anyone knows if the hotel will exchange money? Many do, so if that is the case, I'll wait until then to do it. If not, I'll have to come up with Plan B.

    Take care and see you soon!

  • edited January 2015
    I'm all for getting together Sunday. I haven't looked to see if there are any sites I want to visit on that day, but I can figure that out during my pre-Antarctica travels. I leave this Sunday, but should have internet access in most places I will be visiting. My plane from Phoenix to BA arrives on Friday, February 6 at about 0900. Like you, I figure by the time I go through customs, get my luggage, meet the Tauck driver, and get to the hotel it will be close to noon. I have no idea if my room will be ready at that point. It really doesn't matter. I am going to take the Hop-on; Hop-off bus around the city to get a general feel for what else I might like to see the next two days prior to the welcome dinner. I am trying to see things we won't see on the Tauck tour.

    I exchanged money at my bank here. They give me a better rate since I am a long time customer. I am only taking 1,000 Argentinian Pesos which is about $115 USD. I figure I might need them for street food, cabs, etc. I will use my credit card wherever possible. However, I am sure the hotel will exchange money, or they will direct you to a place where it is done. I don't know what the rate will be, but it shouldn't be too terrible. I got a €100 Euros also just for any expenses I want to pay cash for on the ship.

    Take a couple of Tylenol PM's for the plane. That should help in the sleep department. If you are in coach take a hammer. That might be the only thing that will work.
  • ndvb
    I checked my flight. AA 131 departing PHX 2/5 at 2:24pm through Dallas . AA 997 departing Dallas at 7:25pm and arriving BA at 8:49am. Looks like the time difference is 4 hours ahead. I don't sleep on planes but don't nap on arrival. Hop on Hop off sounds like a good initial plan.

    Flying could work. No heli experience but 4 place fixed wing would be okay. I am going out tomorrow for Hep A. If we go too far afield, I'll probably need more injections. You should solo on the bike tour. I'm so glad that you're checking into all this as I'm running hard to just get ready to go.

    I am utilizing a community computer room and agree that posting email addresses here is not wise. If you have time after your Phoenix arrival, we can set up a meeting. I'm in Mesa in the SE valley. If you opt for LV, Red Rock national part is a nearby beautiful place for a nature break when the manmade wonders become overwhelming.

    Take care and have a great time. I'll look forward to hearing about your adventures. See you soon.
  • jcrb

    I am not on your flight to Dallas but am on the flight DFW->EZE (#997 1930->0850 Friday morning). It looks, according to the world clock, that it is a three hour time change.

    I'll look at some air tours and see what the price is. I've spent a lot of time in helicopters. Although I shouldn't tell you this, but I have been shot down in three of them...however, the good news is I am still around to talk about it. Fixed wing is fine too. I just find that choppers are more nimble and make it easier to see the sights, but both work. Small planes maneuver well also.

    You don't like to ride on bikes? According to what I read, the rigor is light. I'll have to find out more on it though. I thought it might be good for a half day event on Sunday.

    I think I am going to Vega$, but I am not a gambler and will probably just wander around and take in the venues. I am going on Feb 1-4 and will probably take a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon on either the 2nd or 3rd. I am staying in Phoenix with a best friend and former colleague and his family. I haven't seen them in a few years and have never been to his place there. I am eager to visit with them.

    If I knew some way to get some contact information to you I would do it...just don't know how without putting it in here. I don't do Facebook, Twitter, or any other social network (don't even know the names of them) so that is out...

    We'll start off with the Hop-on; Hop-off the first day and go from there. I like them because they give a general lay of the land. In place of of an air tour, it might be cheaper to hire a car and driver to take us on a tour of the city. My experience is that they aren't terribly expensive and we can dictate what sights we want to see. Dividing the cost in half makes it even more cost effective. I'll get some information and post it in here. I'll look online and send a note to the concierge.

    See you soon.
  • ndvb

    I suggested fixed wing because that was my prior experience. Even with your prior heli experiences, I'd consider heli if you think that the price is acceptable. My range would be narrow because I've only had Hepatitis A injection.

    Car and driver is probably a good idea---either in place of or in addition to an air tour. I still have not had time to do any research on BA but will try to get to it in a few days.

    I also do not do social networking, and I'm not comfortable because I do not have my own computer and printer. Tomorrow's challenge will be paying the Argentine fee and printing a receipt.

    I'll watch for future posts and we can meet later when you are in the valley. Your friends might have some sightseeing suggestions to consider.

    Take care. See you soon and have a great time at Yellowstone and with your friends.
  • jcrb,

    I am going to spend three nights in Las Vega$. Don't ask my why....I always felt that if they gave the United States an enema they would put the tube in Las Vegas (second choice, New Orleans). However, I am going in on Feb 1 and coming back to Phoenix on the 4th. On the 2nd I am taking a helicopter trip from my hotel (The Bellagio) to the Grand Canyon, with some flyovers at other sights on the way. I'm not much of a gambler but might play some Blackjack, Texas Hold 'em, or the slots for a few bucks just to be entertained. I have no illusions of winning in Vega$ since I am well aware they didn't build all those casinos and hotels by losing.

    I will be at my friends' home from the 28th to the 1st and then back for the night of the 4th before flying to BA on the 5th. I still don't know how to share contact information so that we could meet during those earlier days. We may just have to wait until we get to the airport in Dallas and hope we meet up somehow. Otherwise, we'll certainly be in the same car from the airport to the hotel in BA.

    Since I am taking the helicopter ride in Las Vega$, I probably won't do it in BA. There are a variety of inexpensive tours in BA. I just need to sit down and go over where we will go with Tauck and try to find one or two that go somewhere different. i know the general itinerary in the booklet mentions some of the places we will stop, but it isn't all that specific. It'll all work out with a little time on the internet doing some research.

    Anyway, I leave for Yellowstone next Sunday to start this "adventure." I will have my computer with me and get online when I can. I know I'll have access at some of the Tauck hotels, in my hotel in Denver, and at my friends' house in Phoenix. I should have enough access to look at options in BA. Like I said, the first day I will probably just take the On-Off bus to get a lay of the land or is it lie of the land...I think it depends on whether you are in the US (lay) or the UK (lie). I'm sure Jan will chime in with some humor (humour?) on that one...maybe British also.

    OK, see you soon.

  • edited January 2015
    Ndvb, if you have not been to Vegas before, there are many non-gambling things to do. As often these days,I am typing this in the early hours so my memory is not up to scratch. But there are a couple of scenery road trips from Vegas that can be done with a rental car, car rental very cheap in Vegas. One place is I believe called Red Rock canyon and there is another I think called Circle of ? I just have not got time to research for you, I have a busy day starting shortly. You should be able to look them up with these clues. We also took a trip to the Hoover dam with a company called something like Pink Jeep tours, they were very fun, went off road for a bit and the Dam tour is really good. You go through airport type security there. Also, check out a show like 'O' at the Bellagio, which is fabulous. Best way to get tickets especially if it supposed to be sold out is to call the Bellagio concierge.
    The last time we went to Vegas was for friends wedding who wanted to get married at a cheesy (their words) Vegas Elvis chapel. They stole my idea I had mentioned about going to Vegas and renewing vows with Elvis because I think it would be so funny and novel, but we have still never done it. I don't know what was more priceless, the look on the groom's face when we drove him by the chapel the day before and he saw it was in a row of bail bond offices and the like, or when we pulled up at stop lights and the car next to us was being driven by Elvis. Anyway, the wedding turned out to be great fun, Elvis had a conservatoire trained voice, we are all singers so that was great. And the ceremony was so intimate with a small group of family and friends. We all went on the Dam trip, it was so great to hang out in the group which consisted of a young millionaire entrepreneur, a nuclear scientist, an Aids specialist and a female Iraq veteran to name some of our group. I digress, people watching and Madame Tussaud's, a ride on a gondola at the Venetian, I could go on and on, no need to step into a casino.
  • Been to Vega$ is kind of like shopping at Walmart.....I have to go every now and again to remind myself how bad it is. I am not much of a gambler, but will enjoy some relaxation and people watching.

    I have seen all the sights outside of Vega$ at some point. I am eager to see them from a different vantage point...the helicopter. Same with the Grand Canyon. When we lived in Colorado I had a rock crawler Jeep and ATVs for off roading. We loved going up the mountains and over the Continental Divide. We'd go into the snow, mud, or rocks until we got stuck and had to winch out.

    I loved the wedding story. That'll be a great memory and story for the rest of your life.

    I am not much of an artsy-fartsy person so most of the shows and music are not in my wheel-house. I have been looking for one I might enjoy, but haven't found it yet. If it isn't something I really want to do, I won't waste my time and money on it. I might play some Black Jack, Texas Hold 'em, or the slots if I decide to do any gambling. One of the depressing things I always notice in casinos is there are a bunch of people who can't afford to be giving their money to the casino, but they are there.....smoking, drinking, and gambling.

    The only bad part of taking this side trip is doing it alone, but I am getting better and better, unfortunately, at doing it. I'll walk around and take some people watching pictures with the zoom lens so that they don't even know they are being photographed. Since I have been on a gondola in the real Venice, I don't think going on one in Vega$ will match that.

    I'll just rest up from the three weeks of travel I will have already been on and prepare for the next two weeks in Antarctica. It's been nice talking to people who will be on this trip and I look forward to meeting them in person.
  • jcrb wrote:
    I checked my flight. AA 131 departing PHX 2/5 at 2:24pm through Dallas . AA 997 departing Dallas at 7:25pm and arriving BA at 8:49am. Looks like the time difference is 4 hours ahead. I don't sleep on planes but don't nap on arrival. Hop on Hop off sounds like a good initial plan.

    Hi, one and all. Checking back after a couple months and we too are on AA 997 out of Dallas (on Friday 2/6), coming from San Francisco. We plan on catching up on time zone changes on Saturday, but would love to connect with anyone on Saturday evening or Sunday any time.

    We are staying in the Tauck hotel on Saturday and Sunday and it was my understanding that a Tauck representative will meet us at the BA airport when we arrive.
  • A Tauck rep will always meet you at the airport. These days, it is usually not actually the Tour Director, so you may never see this person again. Don't forget their tip has been seen to. Depending on the trip, your Tour Director may already be at the hotel, but generally they are finishing up one tour ready to start your tour. unless of course, a new director is flying in to start a series of tours or to fill in if a Direcror needs a sudden replacement. Always have the emergency number available at the airport just incase no-one turns up for you. That has never happened to us.
    It is always worth asking when you check in, if the Tour Director has left a Welcome letter or any information for you. Certainly identify yourself as on the Whatever Tauck tour, there may be more than one tour beginning the same hotel and same date. If you are lucky there will be a letter there with Welcome instructions and Things to do if you have arrived early. If not on your arrival, ask again the next day. Eventually you will find something like this delivered to your room. Sometimes the front desk just forget to give out this information to those who arrive early.
  • Thanks, British. Good reminders and good information as well.
  • Two weeks until ETA in Buenos Aires and three days later it is "show time." I am looking forward to this adventure. In my trip to Yellowstone last week, the tour director, who has been a td in Antarctica, gave me some information about this trip and it sounds exciting. He said to be prepared for some foul odors when around the penguins--FOUL--and plan to get dirty. No big deal--it is the price to pay for adventure.

    I look forward to seeing some folks early and spending some time looking around the city. jcrb, there is a private car service that can be hired at $80/hour (minimum three hours--$240) that would take us around Buenos Aires. That would make it $120 each if we just do the minimum. We can discuss that when we meet on the plane or at the hotel. I would still like to take the on-off bus to begin with then maybe do this the next day. We'll figure out the details later.

    If there are other folks that come in early, maybe they can join for some touring or meals.

    No matter what, this sounds like a great trip.
  • Ndvb, have a great time. We were in Buenos Aires on the Essence of S. America tour in Sept. I highly recommend El Sanjuanino for empanadas. Inexpensive and very good. Try the caprese. Also, our local guide was Carla Meije. She was fantastic. Friends of ours used her privately just recently. Her email address is if you are interested. Safe travels.
  • Thanks for the information. I'll drop her a line and see if she is available. Thanks for the food update too....
  • Ndvb, the private car service sounds fine. Glad that you are also contacting the guide that was recommended. Anyone have advice about day packs or boot liners/pacs? Using rental boots with sock liners and wool socks.
  • I sent a note to the tour guide and am waiting to see what her response is. I'll let you know once I hear from her.
  • jcrb, here is the response I received from the guide suggested in the above post.

    "Hello Nial thank you for contact me!!
    I can do the a tour with you two on the 8th around noon to be honest the tauck tours (with I work with them too, i do tour for them) covers practically all the basics of the city plaza mayo, la boca, puerto madero, palermo y recoleta includes the cementery where evita is burried!
    So what else would you like to see, which are you expectations about B A???? Do you like museum? On weekend we have street markets would you like to visit them? We can visit some of the areas the the tauck tour not cover or go to some art musseum, visit on sunday the goverment palace wich is open only for public during weekends, also go to flee market in the histical distric of san telmo and walk around palermo soho and craf fair all depends on your interest.
    My fee is 30 us dollars per hour cash if you want a car 20 us dollar Per hour more I give you the choice of do some part walking and take taxis when we need them !!!
    You need to know that the oficial exchange rate is 1 dollar 8 pesos but because of the economics problems you can get much better rate changing in the black market !
    Let me know if you need any extra information

    I sent her a note about the Government Palace and the markets. I also asked if there are any sites we need to see outside of the city. We'll see what she says. Hopefully, we'll run across each other in the Dallas airport and can talk on the plane about what we want to do.

    See you soon.
  • ndvb and jcrb:
    As mentioned in an earlier post, I am arriving EZE (hopefully) on 2/8 at 10:30 a.m. Figure I will be at the hotel around 12:30? If you can hold off on your tour until a little later, I would love to join you. I love markets - I am a female after all! I also plan/want to exchange at the blue dollar rate that the tour guide refers to.
    If you can't postpone the tour start time, I would love to join you both for dinner.
    Let me know either way. See you soon.
  • sklfi, I sent a note to the tour guide asking her if we can leave at 1300 on the 8th. I'll post her response in here once I receive it.
  • edited January 2015
    sklfl and jcrb, here is the latest response from Carla. Let me know what you think. I don't know if either of you have any walking issues, but if you do let me know. I asked her two questions, 1. is the $30 total or per person? and 2. are any of these sites on the Tauck tour that we will see during the week? It sounds good to me. Let me know what you want to do.

    "Hello Nial !!! No problem With the time !
    I think that will be cheaper and easy to take taxis specially if you are 3 people
    This is my suggestion:
    Begin visiting the historical neighborhood of san telmo on sunday there is a very interesting flee market, bands playing tango in the streets and artists singing and dancing, the hole area is pedestrian so we can do all that walking
    We can visit the government palace ( free admission ) is the pink palace where the president works and the famous balcony where evita used to give her speeches
    We can catch a taxi and drive to the other side of the city to palermo soho to get a nice walk around the cafes and the bohemian chic
    If you are interest on the art musseum we can add that too or we can do a fantastic bookstore that originally was a theatre and conserve the structure!
    Remember my fee is 30 american dollars per hour, the taxis go on you (taxi shoul be paid in pesos if you don t have any I can provide them )
    Also no food or drinks will be included
    At the end of the mail you have my phone
    Kisses pls let me know if you have any doubts!"

    Carla Meije
  • ndvb, Welcome to the valley. Carla appears to be just what we need. Her Sunday plans seem to dovetail nicely with the Mon/Tues Tauck tours. I wonder if she might have suggestions for Saturday. Also dinners. I have no health or walking issues.
  • ndvb and jcrb:
    Works for me - perfect agenda! No health or walking issues at all. However, since I am arriving via coach seating, I may be a bit of a zombie. However, I will have a "5 hour energy" in my luggage, which will definitely help.
    Adios, for now.
  • edited January 2015
    i think Carla will work out well also.

    jcrb, thanks for the welcome to the valley, however I could do without the rain. Kind of put a "damper" on going downtown for the some SuperBowl activities. Just sitting here watching the golf tournament on TV....we were going to go to the tournament, but the rain took that off of the board.

    I leave for Las Vega$ Sunday for a couple of days then back here to fly to BA. Hopefully, we'll meet at the Dallas airport. Again, i will have a green, Eagle Creek, Tauck carryon from an African trip.

    I'm sure Carla will have ideas for dinner. If not, the concierge will take care of that.

    sklfl, I get the zombie thing. Coach for that long of a flight is a killer. We'll keep pinching you to keep you awake.

    See you in about a week.
  • edited February 2015
    sklfl and jcrb, I have confirmed with Carla to meet us at the Tauck hotel at 1300 on Sunday, February 8, 2015 for a walking/riding tour of Buenos Aires. Is that ok with both of you?

    See you then.
  • ndvb - That works great for me. If all goes as planned, I will be at the hotel and dropping off my luggage right before 1 pm. Where in the hotel do you propose we meet up?
  • jcrb wrote:
    Ndvb, the private car service sounds fine. Glad that you are also contacting the guide that was recommended. Anyone have advice about day packs or boot liners/pacs? Using rental boots with sock liners and wool socks.

    I just returned from Antarctica. Took a daypack with me & only used it once. Treks are around 90 minutes on land. The parkas we are given have many pockets & are waterproof. my camera stayed around my neck inside the coat & life vest. I took boot liners & could not fit them in the boots. Boots are warm & I really didn't miss the liners. I did take LLBean toe warmers that stick to your socks & used them on each trek.. Sock liners, thin wool blend knee socks & heavy wool socks. My feet were never cold. One thing to note. the ship is kept really warm 72 degrees. you can use short sleeve shirts. You sleep under a down comforter, so the cabin can get real warm at night too. Walking sticks really helped on the very uneven terrain. Penguin poop does stink, but you get used to it.
  • edited February 2015
    sklfl, we can meet in the lobby of the Brick Hotel. I'll put a rose in my teeth, or something.....nah, that wouldn't work, the thorn would probably injure me. Although going on the tour with you and jcrb will put me as the proverbial thorn between two roses, I suspect. We'll figure out a meeting spot. The place can't be that big....I'll put a note with the check in desk for you with my contact information. That should work.

    jcrb, I will ask the people at the check in desk for the airport if they can give you my seat number on the flight from Dallas to Buenos Aires. In fact, I'll talk to the people at the gate to give them permission to give you my seat number. You could go to them and ask for it...or maybe the stewardesses.....ooops....flight attendants.....sorry, not PC....

    Jordan, the penguin poop comment still has me chuckling. I'll bring a couple of cans of Hormel chili to feed them and let the people who come after us really get a distinct odor. (Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer fed that to the horses pulling the coaches around Central Park?--I think that is the only episode of that show I watched--wasn't a real fan.)

    72 degrees????? That's like an oven. Aren't there doors to a small deck to sit on that can be opened a bit to knock that down a few degrees? Or, is there a thermostat to drop that some? Have to take a blanket and go sleep on the "poop" deck.......

    As far as boots go, I bought a pair. Given the winter weather in Ohio, I can always use them there. Of course, now that I bought them, it'll never snow....hmmm, a hidden benefit. Mine fit fine with sock liners and the possum socks that Jan suggested. I didn't take these boots with me to Yellowstone and used the combo of socks there in my hiking boots. I never had any issues with cold feet. It was colder there than it will probably be in Antarctica. Thanks for the note on the day pack. It would be great to not have to carry a back pack. I'll just have a camera and maybe an extra lens.

    Our Tour Director in Yellowstone also has done the Antarctica tour and gave me some great suggestions for this trip. He warned me about the penguin droppings, or is that scat? I have another word for it, but I'll keep the G rating on this website. He told me to put my hat and gloves in a ziplock bag when finished with the trip and when I was looking at pictures just open it a bit and the scent will make me think I am back there again. I'm not sure that is going to happen, especially with the Hormel chili. (For those of you without a sense of humor [humour for Jan and British], I am not REALLY going feed them Hormel Chili.) I'm guessing there were people who already had half a response chiding me feeding them anything...I figured I'd better clarify the comment.

    Thanks for the is always appreciated. Safe journeys on your next adventure(s).
  • there is a sliding door to the balcony that we opened during the day. It was hard to keep it open a little bit at night. sometimes the swells made that impossible too. We kept the temp in the room at the lowest "cool" possible. The restaurants and common areas are all this warm too. Penguin droppings are more than scat. It is all over the place. the scent is still on our gortex pants. The captain & crew are great. You'll love the naturalists too. Have a great adventure
  • Just returned from Antarctica
    BA weather is summer 88 deg F
    Ship is warm will NOT need sweaters or coats except to go out on deck to look or take pictures
    Most put parka on for that
    Do not over pack it's like skiing wear same clothes over n over
    Ship is casual
    There is a 44 pound weight limit on luggage on trip down to Ushuaia its a LAN charter
    On return no weight limit BUT carry on limited to 15 pounds
    Travel is a hassle but It WILL BE THE MOST AMAZING TRIP EVER
    The naturalists as well as ship crew are great and have a good time with guests exploring another world
    Did I mention we saw lots of whales?
    In summary don't sweat packing I packed then took out shirts and still took too much
    Nature around you will be so beautiful and awesome that fancy clothes makeup or jewels will be pale in comparison
    I wish I could go back!
  • edited February 2015
    OK, arrived in Buenos Aires on Friday the 7th around 0900. Had a little struggle finding the driver to get me (us) to the hotel. Kept looking for a Tauck logo and my name and found neither. A driver from another company thought she knew where the driver was and she helped find him. He was talking to jcrb and trying to get her to leave. She was trying to tell him that there was another person. All that was on the sign was our two last names and he thought that was the first and last name of one person. I found them and off we went to the hotel. I've never had type of issue with Tauck. The driver spoke NO English and jcrb could not convince him to wait for another person. He had her by the arm and was directing her outside the airport.

    We arrived at the hotel around 1000 and were pleasantly surprised to find that our rooms were ready for us. We both went to our rooms and rested a bit then went to the Recoleta Cemetery....almost by accident....we were just planning to walk around. We looked for Avita Peron's grave but to no avail. It is marked as Duarte. As we walked out of the cemetery, we saw it on a map and decided we'd catch it when the tour went there.

    We had dinner in the hotel (it was ok, nothing to write home about) and retired to our rooms.

    Next morning, after breakfast, we caught the Yellow On-Off Bus and toured around town. We got off the bus in La Boca to get some water and walked through the area. It is a colorful old part of town and obviously the tango is a big part of the area. We ran into Guerrmo Oila, an artist, who showed us his scrapbook of him teaching Bob Duvall how to dance the tango for the movie "Assassination Tango." He was an interesting character and a pretty good artist too.

    Continuing into La Boca, there were restaurants and street art dealers, along with the businesses I categorize as "One Man's Treasure is Another Man's Trash." While we were walking there was a parade of children practicing for their performance in the Carnival. They were all dressed up in costume and working up a sweat (it was HOT and HUMID). Had a small lunch of empanadas at El Sanjuanino's. Great choice. I think someone made that suggestion in here somewhere and they were dead on. Thanks to whom ever it was

    After some rest and a clean up, we went to Ferver's for dinner. Wow!!! Great food, great prices. I think we sat there for three hours enjoying our meal. Back to the hotel to get some sleep

    Today, Sunday, we had breakfast and met sklfl. We also met up with Carlita (Carla with the "ita" to show admiration). She took us on a 5 hour walking tour of the city (with a couple of short cab rides to get us to the neighborhoods we wanted to see). We went to another neighborhood area for small artists selling goods. She showed us some of the products and explained their history and value to Argentinians. We also visited the government Palace where Evita gave her speeches. We'll see that tomorrow also, but I think they only let the public in on Sundays so I am guessing tomorrow will just be a drive-by. After that, we went to a theater turned book store. It was pretty amazing how they had restored the theater and left the interior as a theater. Then for some ice-cream and a walk back to the hotel. We took a short cut through the Plaza Hotel and I think this is the hotel the Tauck tour should be staying at. Not the the Brick Hotel is bad, but I've certainly stayed in nicer ones on Tauck Tours....more like the Plaza. To be fair, I didn't see any of the rooms, but the public areas are amazing. A special thanks to whoever game me Carlita's email. She was wonderful. I'll look back and see who it was so I can give them special recognition. It was Crackeroo.....thanks for the was a great choice. She did a wonderful job and was very easy on the eyes.

    Went back to the hotel and got cleaned up for dinner again at the Ferver. We were going to go to an Italian restaurant down the road but think that Tauck is going to take us to that place tomorrow.

    OK, resting to get ready for dinner. More later.

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