
Akademia Club

Does anyone know the prefered dress for men and woman at the Akademia Club in Budapest?


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    The Akademia Club looks and sounds like a pretty classy place. That being said, I would recommend you treat it no different than you would any other Tauck Tour welcome or farewell dinner. Some will wear coat & tie, some jacket with no tie, while others will dress smart casual. Women will usually wear a dress or nice slacks and top- the women usually know what to wear or what they want to wear.

    Go to the Akademia website, read about and take a look at the place, and decide for yourself. Me, I would wear a jacket and tie, but that is me.

    Though it is a different tour, it is the same in many ways, but Tauck's travel docs for Danube Reflections state: "Jacket and tie are suggested for welcome and farewell dinners." However, as reiterated by one of the Tauck moderators when referring to a dinner in Vienna, "Men are requested to wear jackets that evening, yes, but it is not required — no one will be turned away if they don't wear one. After all, sometimes people simply forget to pack one. And as for the welcome and farewell dinners, some guests do prefer to wear jackets and ties for those occasions, but again, it is not required."
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    BillH wrote:
    Does anyone know the prefered dress for men and woman at the Akademia Club in Budapest?

    Yes, we were there this past April on the Savor. The dress is suit and tie for the men and the ladies are dressed to the nines. It was spectacular! Enjoy!

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