Difficulty with visa photo

I'm at wits end with the Tauck-recommended Visa service. I submitted 5 photos, and every time it's rejected for something else.

First, there are spots in the background - it has to be perfect white (this photo from a prof. photographer for a recent passport renewal).

So I Photoshopped out the 2 or 3 insignificant spots in the background, resubmitted it, and this time, they didn't like my facial expression. Every time, it's something else (with 3 different photos). I correct what they cite, and then it's something else next time.

Anyone else have these problems? Any tips before I cancel the trip out of frustration?


  • edited July 2017
    We usually go to our local CVS for these type of photos for both Passport and visas photos. We tell them exactly what is required and they sort it for us, the correct expression, the correct background, the correct size. Admittedly we have not taken the China tour yet and last time my husband visited Hong Kong, it was British and so was he. India, now that visa process was a problem for us, but not the photo part.
  • edited July 2017
    try Costco....great photos for an excellent price. Also, the best source for help with visas, etc. is the Trip Advisor forums.
  • Photo for visa is specially hard.. It's not enough that you just take pictures but also the picture should be appropriate. The picture should contain all appearance, including forehead and ears. Also, it's not allowed to be taken with smiling face.
  • Finally got a pic that passed their muster. Submitted 3 more, all of which I Photoshopped to whiten and even out the background, remove any shadows, etc.

    Biggest frustration was they'd reject a pic for one reason, I'd fix the issue (I'm pretty good with Photoshop), then they'd reject it for another reason. I can understand why smiling is not permitted in China. Guess I'll have to go on the trip now :-)
  • I had same issue BUT I have to admit they did give an example of a "proper" photo. I uploaded 10 and they found one they liked. I'm not blaming the VISA processing company but I think China has very particular requirements and one of them is photos. Everything has to be "perfect" or China will reject the VISA request.
  • Next problem with VisaCentral/CIBT was they overcharged my credit card by $33.

    $22 was listed as non-online application fee. First, no such fee was documented in their application. Second, my application was done online. Then, they overcharged their processing fee, which was listed as $84. Apparently they raised it to $95 while my application was in process and took the liberty of charging me the higher fee.

    I spoke with a customer service agent at CIBT and he said he'd take care of it. After 5 days of no further communication and no response to an email asking for a status update, I disputed the charge with my CC company and they reversed the $33.

    Hopefully I never have to deal with this outfit again. I also emailed Tauck about my poor experience with them.
  • Hi BKMD,
    Had to laugh after we experienced the same thing. We called them every time our pictures got rejected because they didn't really tell you what was wrong, just like you said.

    We finally went to CVS where they'd never heard of the special China picture dimensions. Happily, the hardworking employee got me squared away and Visa Central accepted my picture.

    A few days later my husband got his picture taken by the very same employee, same quality, same background and Visa Central rejected it. Since we'd already sent in our passports and paperwork, we just sat on this latest rejection pondering what to do. A few days later we got notice that our visa applications were all set and we'd be receiving our passports back the next day. Amazing.

  • Hello BKMD,

    I apologize for the difficulty you experienced with Visa Central. I shared this forum thread with others in the Tauck organization for awareness. Please do not hesitate to reach out if have any further issues with them. Hope you have a wonderful time in China.

    Thank you,
  • Believe me, you are not alone. Multiple people in our group had trouble getting their vsas through, and the biggest stumbling block seemed to be the photo. I can’t recall the visa service I used, but AAA (my travel agent) recommended them. Everything went through the first time. Perhaps AAA nationwide uses the same service. FYI, my travel agent said Indian and Russian visa red tape is even wore than China. In the case of China, I suspect travellers are innocent victims in a petty battle of bureaucrats. I heard it’s every bit as hard for Chinese visitors to get an American visa.
  • edited December 2017
    Please don’t be too quick taking aim at the foreign governments issuing the Visa. I am fortunate to live in a big city with many consulates. We have our passport photos taken at “kinkos”, and have never had an issue. We’ve dropped off our passports at both the Chinese & Vietnamese consulate & picked them up with the Visa a few days later without a hiccup. Also, used our Kinkos photo for Cambodia’s e-Visa without issue. This scrutiny is most likely happening before the foreign consulate ever sees it, erring on the side of caution to ensure success.

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