Lake Yellowstone Hotel in Yellowstone National Park
What does a Lake View, 1 Queen Size Bed, 300 sq ft room at Lake Yellowstone Hotel in Yellowstone National Park really look like? The hotel is a major tourist attraction and as such is always crowded during the day. The room itself has a huge bathroom area and an OK view of Lake Yellowstone. However, the sleeping area is a bit cozy. There is not a lot to do at the hotel, but it is a wonderful place to stay at for one night as part of one's tour of Yellowstone attractions. The food at the hotel where one has three meals is excellent. The lobby area of the hotel is very pretty and scenic. The dining room has great views of the lake.
The You Tube link to the video is:
The You Tube link to the video is:

Do Tauck travelers actually ask these questions? I don't. The only room related questions I ever see on the forums are, "Does the hotel have wash cloths? What type of electrical outlet do they have/what adapter is needed? Do they have hair dryers or irons?" etc. Do Tauck travelers make a decision whether to take a tour or not based on the room? I don't. I don't spend much time there and I trust Tauck. Except on ships, I don't think anyone has a choice of rooms. We have no idea what Tauck pays, and therefore what we actually pay for a room, except the amount listed for stays before and after a tour. Also, Tauck routinely changes hotels for overseas tours for a variety of reasons- hotel renovation, better deal, better location, declining service, etc. I suspect it can happen for North American tours as well. Most hotel websites have photos and sometimes videos of each type of room. So, I guess what I am saying is, I question the need for these reviews. I may be wrong, but you may be doing them without any sort of traveler demand.
Friends recently went on an Abercrombie and Kent tour, to the same locations we are about to visit on our Tauck tour this coming week. They moaned about the room allocation, saying for the prices they were paying they expected to get the best rooms, they did not. More concerning to me was that several of the key elements of the tour did not happen and their driver got lost in the countryside and had to rely on the gps of their phone to find the way. And yes, their tour cost a great deal more than ours. We are going to compare notes on return.
I do like to know about hairdryers and outlets, and when I write a review, I mention that because so many people ask on the forum, even though if they read the Tauck info, it generally tells them, and if not, I go to the hotel website. I never thought about square footage of anything until I came to live in the US, it's something I hear about all the time here. I had to try to find out the square footage of our home for when people asked because I had no clue about it.