A beautiful day in the neighborhood!
We are headed to Yellowstone in a few weeks. In the meantime I have been routinely checking in on Old Faithful. The Park Service website https://www.nps.gov/yell/learn/photosmultimedia/webcams.htm has a number of static webcams around the park that update every 30 secs. and one live streaming webcam that covers a number of geysers and fumaroles, including Old Faithful, in the Upper Geyser Basin. A bit below the Old Faithful shot on the webpage is an eruption predictor that has been pretty accurate (+ / - 10 min.).
After yesterday's cloudy skies and snow, this morning was beautiful- the sky is blue, not a cloud in sight, and the temperature, a crisp 5° F! I just caught the 9:13 am (CMT) eruption. There were a few but not many spectators! A bit early and a bit too nippy? The eruption is winding down in the screen capture below. A kid must be at the webcam controls, because the scene keeps jumping around.
Alan - Don't know what part of the country you're in, but 5F in sunshine in Yellowstone really doesn't feel very cold, unless it's windy. I live in CO and ski at least 2 days/week this time of year. It's usually between 5-10F on my first chair/gondola up in the morning and when dressed appropriately, doesn't feel cold. Unlike the east and midwest, there's no humidity in this part of the country. Dry air doesn't permeate like moist air.
Well, 45° F is cold here in NC!
I lived most of life on the east coast. Temperature is a totally different animal here. A Philly 80F is like a Denver 95F. A Philly 35F is like a Denver 20F, etc. People walk around in shorts here when it's in the 40s (OK, mostly millenials...)
It is 15° F right now (8:52 CMT) in Yellowstone and 73° in East Carolina (10:52 EST)
The walkers are out in shorts and tank tops!!