
  • Sealord
    February 24
    According to ‘The Points Guy’, the travel boom has already begun.

    I guess this Points Guy can't make up his mind.


  • edited February 2021

    There is no contradiction there, The canceled cruises were those from Vancouver and Canada has prohibited cruise ships. There will be more if they can’t work around the PVSA. TPG’s point is that ‘many’ people are booking travel to places where they are allowed to go. Many of the bookings are for later in the year or next year, but people are booking in droves.

  • edited February 2021

    I guess I'd call it a 'travel booking boom' or 'travel backlog boom'. I wouldn't call it a 'travel boom' until people actually start traveling to places other than US national parks and specific one destination trips, with international air travel, cruise ship travel, and river boat travel returned to the near pre-pandemic conditions.

    All of the Tauck people that have trips cancelled and re-booked, multiple times are part of the backlog boom, but not a travel boom.

  • Backlog A. Boom here. . . . did someone call? :D

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