Trip preparation - July 11th

Hello, Our family of 4 will be taking this trip July 11th with our 2 boys ages 12 and 13. Can anyone provide tips for us? Packing, must dos, etc. I appreciate the input. Thanks!


  • Sunscreen, hats, light weight clothing. it will be hot.

  • Hang on there, the early mornings can be chilly

  • The coolest spot will be Bryce Canyon, being at 8000+ ft ASL.

    This from the NPS web site:

    With a low of 50 around sunrise, shorts and a windbreaker will likely be fine, unless you're from SoCal or FL. It will warm up quickly once the sun rises.

    The hot spots will be Phoenix and Vegas. Here's Phoenix:

  • Yes, Bryce Canyon, that’s where I remembered being cold when we took the early morning trek into the Canyon from the lodge on our tour. Our other memorable weather moment on our tour was as we were descending into Zion on the bus, the heavens opened and there was torrential rain. Within minutes, there were huge waterfalls forming from high up all around us and it made me realize how quickly you could be trapped in a flash flood in such a place. It was spectacular.

  • Any recommendations for shoes? Do we need water shoes for the trip? Anything I don't want to forget to bring? Was thinking 2 pairs of tennis shoes to hike in, tevas (water shoes if needed) and flip flops/slide casual shoes. Is a windbreaker really necessary in July? Perhaps just a long sleeve shirt to pack to throw on over clothes? Appreciate the insight!

  • I don't know what kind of hikes Tauck does with the group, but when I go to those national Parks, I wear hiking shoes with good tread. There are lots of areas of slippery sandstone particles on the ground. For more comfortable walking around, I'd wear sneakers. I'm not a flip-flop person.

    For a morning at Bryce, definitely have a light jacket or a rainjacket shell. If you run into any thunderstoms, it will come in handy, not only to keep dry, but the temp could drop significantly while the storm is in the area, and if you're out on a trail at the time...

  • Good comfortable sneakers should suffice plus a spare pair just in case the first pair do get wet and need time to dry out. I’m also not a flip flop person, they are dangerous and really bad for your foot muscles. I may have a pair with me to go to the swimming pool...I once had my shoes stolen when I left them by my stuff while I was swimming, so I just take flip flops 🤪☹️
    There are very few Tauck tours that involve much hiking. These days, when they do, there is usually a choice for an easy walk or a more difficult one. By the way, our early hike down the Canyon was not a Tauck scheduled activity, the TD gave people an unofficial or not Tauck sanctioned chance to ‘come across ‘ him early morning while he was taking his walk into the Canyon. I would take this tour again in a heartbeat, but too many others to do.
    Have fun Caroline!

  • You might also look at clothing - mostly tops - with high spf ratings. I picked up a couple of long sleeve Hang Ten t-shirts at Costco last summer that have a high rating but are also good for hot weather wear. And I travel with a Columbia PFG snap front shirt (from Amazon) that is long sleeve but can be rolled up. It's super light and breathable. Lands End has also expanded their summer spf clothing lines. I live in the SW so get a lot of wear from items like this.

  • Just received Costcos ad starting 19 May and they have the Hang Ten long sleeve Sun tees for $10. Upf 50. Both men's and women's.

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