Royal Danube 8/28 tour
Looking forward to the trip, but a little stressed over current news re flight cancellations, delayed luggage, rising COVID numbers, etc. Hoping for the best. I would like to find out about the water level on the Danube, and I can't seem to find anything online, that I can understand anyway. I've only been on the Danube (and Rhine) for the Christmas markets cruises, and been lucky the water levels were ok.
The earlier your tour is in the summer, the better the chance that the river will not be too low
I can't find any reports with good news about the Danube even though it has numerous locks to help control the water level- and what I read on Cruise Critic sounds downright discouraging!!
(Note: the Rhine is also really having problems with the water level due to the heat wave and it is seriously affecting commerce, especially the delivery of fossil fuels for power plants. I hope the water levels improve by December.)
See the thread on Cruise Critic at this link (link should take you to post #126, a good place to start reading):
Due to the heat in Europe the water level in the Danube is trending lower, but don't give up hope yet- read post #138 from today and pray for rain.
Thanks AlanS ;Will keep checking cruise critic site ;hoping for rain before 8/28 sailing!
An article on the Cruise Critic website quotes a Tauck representative on this issue.
A spokesperson for Tauck said: "As always, we're closely monitoring water levels on the Rhine. Right now we're operating normally on the river. Until there's an actual closure it's impossible to say precisely which ships and departures will be impacted, what those impacts might be, and how we'll respond.
"That said, our goal is to always do right by our guests, while doing all that we can to preserve their travel experience. We've dealt successfully with low-water situations in the past, and we have a variety of strategies that we can deploy as necessary. We're very fortunate that we also operate numerous land tours throughout the region, so we have a fantastic network of local supplier-partners that we can leverage as necessary should alternate arrangements become necessary."
We are booked on the last sailing of the Rhine Enchantment cruise in October, so we are paying close attention to this.
A link to the full article is here:
River Cruise Lines Monitor Low Water Levels in Europe And Prepare to React
Thanks for the responses. We're still going but would much prefer an actual river cruise rather than a bus tour. I'll keep checking and crossing my fingers!
ASHeltsley: We are on the same tour;still 5 weeks to go;May be the heat wave will lead to rainstorms!
Looks like the water levels have improved some according to the website referred by AlanS.!