New Covid rules in Canada commencing today.

Joining this tour this Sunday 7/24. We’re coming in a day early but still expect delays at Pearson airport, in Toronto. Apparently the officials are outside the airport. I also read ArriveCAN must be filled out within 72 hours of arrival.There could be a $5000.00 fine if you don’t use ArriveCAN to enter proof of vaccination and submit travel info. Not sure if Tauck does this or not. Additional info would be appreciated. Thank you. These rules have been reinstated effective today.


  • Your final documents from Tauck will discuss all requirements. You didn't indicate which tour. The attestation form is a requisite of the Canadian government, not Tauck.

  • We are leaving 7/22 for our Nova Scotia/PEI tour. Tomorrow we plan to complete our ArriveCAN travel paperwork. As stated by kfnknfzk, the Information regarding this is in your Tauck travel documents.

  • Yes, it is in your travel documents and states not to be filled in earlier than 72 hours. But we are on the Alaska tour right now and we were being chased by our cabin attendant this morning…. why had we not filled it in yet. Apparently, Princess has permission to fill it in 5 days ahead and the ship wants it in order in good time in case there is a problem.
    Also note, Canada is once again doing random testing when people arrive in Canada by air at the four major airports. These are not done at the airport but off site. Check out the Canada gov website for details

  • British, this off site testing is concerning as we have a connection in Toronto to Halifax. I have read info on the Canada website but am still unclear how testing for those with connections will be handled.

  • Recently was on a cruise which included Canadian ports and were required to use ArriveCAN. It is a well-designed web site/app, so easy to use.

  • edited July 2022

    Yes, this is new and all in addition to Arrive Can. They are doing random testing on arrival. I would call Tauck and ask for help.

  • Anyone have any idea what Tauck will do about someone who gets selected for mandatory random testing and tests positive? Specifically for a 10 day land tour, when the quarantine period in Canada is 10 days (which makes no sense if you get better within a few days, but I digress)?

  • edited July 2022

    You will not be allowed to join the tour, you may be made to quarantine the ten days, Canada is quite strict.
    We are about to go to Canada in a couple of days on our Alaska tour. Two people tested positive about day five, seven at day seven prior to getting on the ship. We know some of them flew back to the US the next day, but that might not be allowed from Canada

  • I guess the answer to my prior question is to make sure you test yourself before you get on the plane to go to Canada, so none of that can happen (barring a testing fluke).

  • edited July 2022

    The morning of the day we were to be tested before we got onto the ship for our Grand Alaska tour, we tested ourselves because the stress was just so high. We tested negative and that helped us enjoy the day better. Everyone was stressed by the afternoon testing time. As I have already stated, those who had been coughing from almost day one, tested positively as did those who did not wear masks much. Since that day, everyone else on the trip wears masks all the time in public. My only concern is that the guy who was coughing and virtually never wore a mask came and sat next to me when we got off a crowded ferry where hundreds of people were in a huge dining hall, I was not able to change to another seat. We were all eating. The best I could do was keep my head turned away from him. The next day from that was the testing. He really didn’t need to be tested, it was obvious to me he had a Covid cough. About now, most of the rest of us should be just showing symptoms or in our most contagion time if we have contracted it from others on our tour.
    Here is a tip. If you want to protect yourself from others on the tour where you are most likely to be infected, not from the local population…..when you get to the Welcome reception, scan the room and head for the people who are wearing masks. In my experience from three tours post Covid is that most will not be wearing masks. We headed towards the five or so people who were wearing masks then, and they are the ones we have mainly been hanging out with. It took days before we even recognized many who were on our tour not necessary because of mask wearing but we just avoided many of them. Things became easier after the ten people had to leave the tour and we are all finally gelling as a group. The funnily thing is that Mr B and our tour director look very similar in build, have the same color baseball hat and similar clothing and people keep mixing them up, even me! Masks of course don’t help at all in that situation.
    Yes ressheems, test yourself and wear a mask at the airport and on the plane. You will find that most will not be wearing masks. On our flight, the captain”s announcement was something like, please respect each other’s choices about wearing masks on this flight. I thought that was very good.

  • @rssherms We leave Friday for our Nova Scotia/PEI tour. Just tested ourselves…negative!

  • Good tips British! The N95 masks do work well, if worn correctly. The stress of having travel cut short due to testing positive can be mentally exhausting.

  • We tested negative yesterday and what a relief! We are leaving later for our Silversea trip to Alaska. We have N95 masks and intend to wear them most of the time. I am so happy that I am not travelling out of the US for the rest of the year as it is mentally exhausting.

  • Thank you British, just flew to Chicago to visit my grandson wore my mask in the airport and the plane only one other person in first class had a mask on and very few others in the entire airplane

  • edited July 2022

    Another one tested positive and two more missing this morning. The TD is not announcing if anyone else has Covid due or privacy issues. So we are now down 12 people from the start of our tour and two more coughing a lot this morning on our whale watch. Update, down 14 people

  • We tested negative yesterday and what a relief! We are leaving later for our Silversea trip to Alaska. We have N95 masks and intend to wear them most of the time. I am so happy that I am not travelling out of the US for the rest of the year as it is mentally exhausting.

  • It certainly is and I just returned from Canada. Next time, we’ll fly into Montreal instead of Toronto. Even TSA employees in Toronto said it was a calmer airport. However, fewer flight options. That is still worth it than the experience we had even with global entry which we used for immigration and customs in Toronto to enter the U.S.

  • Noreen, please post about your Tauck Alaska trip with Silversea...British has written in detail about the Princess experience and has been quite objective but lots of criticism...a much bigger ship, very different than Silversea's ships. Even before she went on the Princess, we would not have chosen one of their ships...on one years ago to Alaska and just way too big for us. We would like to repeat and evaluating options. I will wait for your comments...hopefully! Happy Sailing, stay well and enjoy your trip.

  • OurTravels34, did you travel both in and out of Toronto? If so, how bad was the arrival part? Thanks

  • Like Nancy, we hope to do Tauck's small ship Alaska tour in 2024 and definitely hope to read some reviews. Waiting for 2024 dates to be released so I can book right away and snatch up one of the few available cabins that would appeal to us.

  • FWIW, I transited thru Toronto on the way to Tel Aviv for the I/J trip in 2019. Had no issues at all.

    I haven't read Canada's rules, but I'm transiting thru Montreal to Cairo later this year. Do their Covid rules apply to transit passengers or just those entering Canada?

  • I might be wrong, but I believe the random testing upon entering Canada is only for those staying in Canada.

  • If the Silverseas Alaska cruise does not include the land then in our opinion you miss out on jet best part of Alaska. It certainly has not helped that our ship portion has had such rainy and cold weather.

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