I stand by my statement of etiquette. The Portuguese seldomly use hand gestures. Feel free to research it. If they do not want something they keep their palms down and move the food aside. They do not rudely wave their hand at the server. Believe what you wish and act like you wish. Yes, tourist ridden eateries anywhere might take advantage of gullible tourists. I base my statements on experience and facts, not what I read in a guide book for inexperienced tourists. I, by the way, have the utmost respect for Rick Steves. He provides a very valuable service.
Regarding the amenities at the Ritz, I was merely pointing out what I thought was a nice touch. I mentioned it again when another individual seemed to enjoy it. Interesting how you chose to not "harass" that individual.
Once again, with all the issues in the world, how tragic it is to bring such nonsense here. Keep flinging immature and unnecessary insults my way if that makes you feel important and powerful. I shall ignore them and concentrate on travel and the real intent of this forum.
I will also continue to offer suggestions on this trip, and I do hope you enjoy the tour.
Claudia, I seem to remember a simple tram or bus ride to reach the well-worth-it Tile Museum. I've been overly ambitious my jet lagged day, fair warning. As I'm sure you know, there's been a lot on the Forum re free time in Lisbon, so I won't repeat myself. Enjoy!
Thanx MarketArt. Living in the SW I love tile work and would like to know more about it.
Which Tram? I saw a bus route and then thought of doing metro part way then bus. In part so I can buy our Via Viagem cards and load them up with enough to cover transport that day and the train to Sintra.
I'm just hoping we get some sleep on the overnight flight, actually arrive at 8 am and it not take too long to clear customs, get our bags, check into the hotel, etc. Also hoping decent weather. I'd love to see Sintra but if it's raining we may just stay and see some more museums.
I want to see everything but trying to be realistic too.
You’ll really enjoy the tile museum, it is unique. If you have time wander into the main train station. Sao Bento. The tile work in the foyer is quite special. You’ll be surrounded by others with their necks craned upward and a few characters ready to relieve them of their belongings, so secure yours!
I agree with AlanS and rely on Google Maps. Perhaps it was a bus from Avenida da Liberdade; I've been back to Lisbon twice, but that Tile museum visit was on an earlier trip, maybe even pre-Metro. This may help, though evening scheds.
I agree - Google is our friend. I do the same thing for figuring out distances, routes, etc. I use the heck out of the Nearby feature to see what restaurants and other businesses are near the hotel. I also click on the Satellite view and "walk" the streets if they have the info. Gives you a much better look than just the map.
I will be on an Oct. departure of Villages and Vintages beginning in Porto but we’ll be in Lisbon a few days prior. Has anyone heard anything about the water levels in the Douro?
British, If you want to take advantage of traveling on your own and break away from international chains, the 18th century 40-room Heritage Avenida Liberdade hotel is an authentic delight and though some may disagree, their petite breakfast Pastéis de Nata are delicious.
I haven't stayed there but did look at the lobby and it does look lovely. It's situated in a great location, as well...wide tree-lined pedestrian walks with gorgeous limestone tiles arranged in beautiful patterns. The shade offers a much appreciated respite from the heat in the event you travel there in the warmer months.
Just found what I've been searching for: The Heritage Avenida has an 18th-century herbalist counter, framed by apothecary bottles, in the lobby reception area. Hope you saw that, kfnknfzk!
“ Was that really necessary?” No. I apologize and edited my response.
I stand by my statement of etiquette. The Portuguese seldomly use hand gestures. Feel free to research it. If they do not want something they keep their palms down and move the food aside. They do not rudely wave their hand at the server. Believe what you wish and act like you wish. Yes, tourist ridden eateries anywhere might take advantage of gullible tourists. I base my statements on experience and facts, not what I read in a guide book for inexperienced tourists. I, by the way, have the utmost respect for Rick Steves. He provides a very valuable service.
Regarding the amenities at the Ritz, I was merely pointing out what I thought was a nice touch. I mentioned it again when another individual seemed to enjoy it. Interesting how you chose to not "harass" that individual.
Once again, with all the issues in the world, how tragic it is to bring such nonsense here. Keep flinging immature and unnecessary insults my way if that makes you feel important and powerful. I shall ignore them and concentrate on travel and the real intent of this forum.
I will also continue to offer suggestions on this trip, and I do hope you enjoy the tour.
Thank you. We were typing at the same time, and I just saw your message. That took class to admit. I, too, apologize for getting frustrated.
I do hope you enjoy your tour of Northern Spain, and please write a review. Best regards.
Claudia, I seem to remember a simple tram or bus ride to reach the well-worth-it Tile Museum. I've been overly ambitious my jet lagged day, fair warning. As I'm sure you know, there's been a lot on the Forum re free time in Lisbon, so I won't repeat myself. Enjoy!
Thanx MarketArt. Living in the SW I love tile work and would like to know more about it.
Which Tram? I saw a bus route and then thought of doing metro part way then bus. In part so I can buy our Via Viagem cards and load them up with enough to cover transport that day and the train to Sintra.
I'm just hoping we get some sleep on the overnight flight, actually arrive at 8 am and it not take too long to clear customs, get our bags, check into the hotel, etc. Also hoping decent weather. I'd love to see Sintra but if it's raining we may just stay and see some more museums.
I want to see everything but trying to be realistic too.
You’ll really enjoy the tile museum, it is unique. If you have time wander into the main train station. Sao Bento. The tile work in the foyer is quite special. You’ll be surrounded by others with their necks craned upward and a few characters ready to relieve them of their belongings, so secure yours!
I agree with AlanS and rely on Google Maps. Perhaps it was a bus from Avenida da Liberdade; I've been back to Lisbon twice, but that Tile museum visit was on an earlier trip, maybe even pre-Metro. This may help, though evening scheds.

I agree - Google is our friend. I do the same thing for figuring out distances, routes, etc. I use the heck out of the Nearby feature to see what restaurants and other businesses are near the hotel. I also click on the Satellite view and "walk" the streets if they have the info. Gives you a much better look than just the map.
Second on Culinary Backstreets. We seek them out in cities worldwide and they are among the best tours of any kind that we’ve taken.
I will be on an Oct. departure of Villages and Vintages beginning in Porto but we’ll be in Lisbon a few days prior. Has anyone heard anything about the water levels in the Douro?
Uber is alive and well in Lisbon.
British, If you want to take advantage of traveling on your own and break away from international chains, the 18th century 40-room Heritage Avenida Liberdade hotel is an authentic delight and though some may disagree, their petite breakfast Pastéis de Nata are delicious.
Thanks, looks lovely!
I haven't stayed there but did look at the lobby and it does look lovely. It's situated in a great location, as well...wide tree-lined pedestrian walks with gorgeous limestone tiles arranged in beautiful patterns. The shade offers a much appreciated respite from the heat in the event you travel there in the warmer months.
Just found what I've been searching for: The Heritage Avenida has an 18th-century herbalist counter, framed by apothecary bottles, in the lobby reception area. Hope you saw that, kfnknfzk!
I did not, MarketArt. We just took a peek inside. I would definitely stay there if traveling independently though.
Flying out tomorrow evening. Will try to post from the tour but not sure how internet will be. If not, I will post a review when back home.
On Iberia Airlines?
Rich, best wishes on the cruise. Will be interested in reading your review/posts.
Travel Guy, no United out of Newark NJ.