Flag, Like, LOL
It appears that the interface has been changed to only provide the option for Like!
Same goes for your profile page. Statistics for Flag and LOL are now gone.
It appears that the interface has been changed to only provide the option for Like!
Same goes for your profile page. Statistics for Flag and LOL are now gone.
I just noticed that as well. I guess the flagger's will need to actually leave a comment.
As a victim of weeks (month's ?) of someone's vindictive Spam flags I am thrilled. Just hope they come up with a way to report true Spam - people trying to use the forum for sales, scams, etc.
I have heard that the mystery flagger(s) after finding the change on this forum are now working directly for the honorable Mr. Santos as background confirmation experts.
What are the flaggers going to do now?
I guess this means that posting pictures is finally safe?