Train travel between Lucerne and Milan
Hello. We are traveling, via train, between Lucerne and Milan. We’re taking 2 consecutive tours. I have researched myself crazy, and can’t figure out how to do it. I find lots of info on train travel in each country, but not Between countries. We just want the direct train, with as few stops as possible. I know that’s less scenic, but we only have 1 full day in Milan. Any info you can provide would be very appreciated !
Thank you very much. Alice
Try this site:
This may make your quest difficult"
"Basel - Lucerne - Lugano - Milan
Only one direct train a day runs Basel-Lucerne-Milan, but other Lucerne-Milan departures are possible with a change at Arth Goldau into one of the Zurich-Lugano-Milan trains. From Arth Goldau onwards this route is the same as Zurich-Lugano-Como-Milan described above."
I took the train from Lucerne to Milan in September. It was supposed to be a direct route but there was a train accident in the tunnel which necessitated a change of train. It was easy enough to do.
I agree with voikk32 as far as the ease. Research 'Lucerne to Milan by train.' Avoid sites that merely want to sell you a package. Sorry I can't be more specific; I traveled this route independently years ago. European train travel is fast, efficient, clean and safe. Good luck with your research.
Thank you all for your input ! I’m hopeful for the train that Alan mentioned. has always helped me.
Wow, I just checked out the first site listed. It’s exactly what we need (🤞hopefully!). Thanks again !
I will check out train also.
I've seen "The Man in Seat 61" recommended as a site for train travel in Europe, but haven't used it myself.
Tillyseattle: I've relied on DB (Deutsche Bahn) German site for European-wide schedules for decades. It looks like a 4-hour trip, with 1 change. These days it's best to reserve ahead of time; trains sell out. In Switzerland you just show the QR on your phone. is Swiss site; you can purchase here
Yes, Deutsche Bahn. I couldn't recall their name.
I just looked on It’s really easy to get train tickets online from Lucerne to Milan and it is about a 4 and ½ hour train ride. My little piece of advice: If you have luggage and taking the train, book your seat on the lower level. Your luggage will be stored on the luggage rack at the end of the compartment of your train car. It’s hard to carry heavy luggage to the upper level of the train. You can also pick a seat near the luggage racks to keep an eye on your luggage. We were told this when we made our train reservations in France.
Sometimes you don't have a lot of time to board, so here is another luggage suggestion based on experience-
In addition to using "The Man in Seat 61" and the DB and other websites, find and ask a platform attendant who speaks English to figure out the consist and direction of your specific train and where your car (wagon) is located (typically 1st class seating is in an end car). Hopefully, that way you won't be forced to walk from one end of the train to the other while pushing your bags.
I thought I had it all figured out when we went from Dusseldorf to Hamburg after XMAS Mkts last year, but got it exactly wrong.
We had to roll our bags the full length of the train to our car at the other end. Luckily I had recently replaced the wheels on our bags. 
Alan - Nex time, get seats in the middle car. Then you can't screw up
And when I've done independent train travel in Europe, I found the DB site most helpful (except once going to FRA, when the schedule didn't indicate the train would break down and I'd miss my flight).
Your ticket may have a letter designation that you can match with train "map" on the platform to find your car. It took me a while to learn this and some countries are more organized than others. At least you can usually see lineup, coach vs. 1st class. Coach is fine in Europe; I know Tauck puts us in 1st class, but there's not much difference imo.
Again, thanks to all of you for so many tips and suggestions! Very appreciated.