Vienna is a beautiful city. There is so much to do and it’s best to have comfortable shoes to walk in the Hofburg. There you will see the entrance to the chapel where the Vienna Boy’s Choir sing and the Lippizaners at the Spanish Riding School. Demel is a famous pastry shop which is also well known for chocolates. Julius Meinl am Graben sells coffee, chocolates and gourmet foods. Both are a short walk from the Hofburg.
We are on the Music tour of the Danube early June. I have rickets to see a trining session of the Lippizaners!
Do you mean the "Morning Workout?" It was interesting, but don't set your expectations too high. It is what it says- a light workout out for a few of the white and grey young stallions and riders. They don't do any maneuvers/formations or jumps. You view from the gallery of the Spanish Riding School rink's elevated gallery in the Hofburg. Photos are not allowed and there are minders stationed around the gallery to enforce this. We bailed out of the morning walking tour which goes right by the SRS and ticket office in the Hofburg, a few minutes early to catch the last half hour or so of the workout (that was perfect)- we got a discount since we wouldn't see the full workout. We also booked an afternoon tour of the SRS Hofburg stables- training yard, tack room, performance rink, etc. where you can get almost nose to nose with one or two of the horses, but can not touch nor photograph them. The first three photos below were taken from a distance during the Tauck guided walk, just before we bailed.
Many of the carriages for hire are pulled by Lipizzaner lookalikes. Those you can photograph and touch!!!
Great food in Budapest. Try some of the local restaurants. Prices were very good when I was there about 10 years ago.
This trip has been discussed extensively on the forum. Suggest you look under the specific trip category:
Vienna is a beautiful city. There is so much to do and it’s best to have comfortable shoes to walk in the Hofburg. There you will see the entrance to the chapel where the Vienna Boy’s Choir sing and the Lippizaners at the Spanish Riding School. Demel is a famous pastry shop which is also well known for chocolates. Julius Meinl am Graben sells coffee, chocolates and gourmet foods. Both are a short walk from the Hofburg.
We are on the Music tour of the Danube early June. I have rickets to see a trining session of the Lippizaners!
Do you mean the "Morning Workout?" It was interesting, but don't set your expectations too high. It is what it says- a light workout out for a few of the white and grey young stallions and riders. They don't do any maneuvers/formations or jumps. You view from the gallery of the Spanish Riding School rink's elevated gallery in the Hofburg. Photos are not allowed and there are minders stationed around the gallery to enforce this. We bailed out of the morning walking tour which goes right by the SRS and ticket office in the Hofburg, a few minutes early to catch the last half hour or so of the workout (that was perfect)- we got a discount since we wouldn't see the full workout. We also booked an afternoon tour of the SRS Hofburg stables- training yard, tack room, performance rink, etc. where you can get almost nose to nose with one or two of the horses, but can not touch nor photograph them. The first three photos below were taken from a distance during the Tauck guided walk, just before we bailed.
Many of the carriages for hire are pulled by Lipizzaner lookalikes.
Those you can photograph and touch!!!