Tour Guide Tips - Dollars or Yen?
Do the tour guides prefer to receive one currency over another at the end of the tour? Do most people tip in Dollars or Yen?
Do the tour guides prefer to receive one currency over another at the end of the tour? Do most people tip in Dollars or Yen?
I always tip with dollars and it I have any local currency left over I add it to the tip.
Be assured that the tour guides will take money in any form. I almost alway tip in dollars unless, like Gladysorlando, I have some left over local currency.
Same as Gladys, dollars and any left over local money.
Noted. Thank you!
What’s the standard tip for Tour Directors?
Tauck recommends USD $12 per traveler per day. The details can be found on page 17 of the travel documents.
$12 per person per day. Apparently some people think it is per couple.