Mar 22, 2025 on Silver Origin
We are on this tour and have read several blogs so we feel informed thanks to some great contributors on this forum. Anyone else on this tour? Minimal packing will be my goal! There are many options for snorkeling and was wondering if there is a particular location that is best for this.
Barb & Jeff
The locations for snorkling are determined by the ship and Ecuador. Ecuador has a tight control over the ship's itinerary so you may experience changes in the written itinerary although they are usually noticed in advance. The SIlver Origin part of the tour is our favorite Tauck trip out of 20 so far. Anyplace they take you is swell. There are several choices most days in addition to the primary excursions, such as snokling and kayaking and hikes.
Can't answer any of your questions, but the Silver Origin is a very nice ship. We did that tour and the Silver Origin a few years ago.
Be advised, the Galapagos is at the confluence of 3 major ocean currents. Their paths vary slightly from day to day and so do the diving conditions at each location - turbidity can easily cause the visibility to vary from less than 12' to near 100' and temperatures likewise vary. Also current, waves and surge vary. We dove in a small cove where there must have been over 30 or more large green sea turtles in a small area, however the visibility was probably less than 10' and the surge made us and the turtles drift in and out continuously. I had a homemade U/W video light which wasn't much help. As Mike said you will not likely know where the snorkeling will be or what the conditions will be ahead of time.
If you are a snorkeler but think you would like to buy a waterproof camera and take U/W photos- think twice. Unless the conditions are ideal you won't get much worthwhile. Not only must you contend with turbidity, but even in normal relatively clear water, the water filters out color the deeper you go. Without artificial illumination (flash or movie light) the colorful fish will appear gray in just a few feet of water. I have been a diver for over 50 years and got a few good shots on this trip (stills from GoPro video), but without scuba and the ability to stay down, stay still, and a camera with good U/W strobe, I found it difficult to capture many good ones. You'll notice I didn't take many photos while snorkeling at the surface- I dove down 10' - 15' and my lungs are not what they used to be so I had to come up for air after about 20 - 30 seconds.
What we found on our first time there was that the water was murky in many places. Back then, there were less snorkeling opportunities offered. The second time we went, the water temperatures really varied depending on the snorkeling site. One was very very cold, so even though I was surrounding by turtles, I got back in the boat after just minutes. The water was generally clearer on that trip.
Alan - You forgot to mention the many sea lions that swim amongst you like you are slalom poles on a ski slope.
And the marine iguanas
Thank you all! What fantastic photos. I doubt we will attempt photos this trip. Used to be divers but health has dampened that. So glad we got to do what we did! Now snorkeling will have to do. Yes, I was aware of different locations and have enjoyed reading Mike’s blog. Getting excited to finally do this trip.