5/18/2017 Flying into Rome & private car service into Sorrento.

Since this is our first trip to Europe and I'm not a frequent flyer, we opted for a non-stop flight to Rome. Our travel agent set up a private car service to drive us to the hotel in Sorrento. I understand it is a 2 1/2-3 hour trip. Has anyone done this? If so, will you share your experience. Thank you...


  • What is the advantage to a car service to Sorrento versus catching a 1 hour flight to Naples from Rome and letting Tauck arrange a driver to pick you up in Naples? Tauck already factors in pickup service into your trip cost so you're paying for it and not getting it.
  • Hi Claudia, I know what your saying, but I wanted a non-stop flight to Italy and didn't want to get on any jumper plane into Naples. I'm not too crazy about flying, but will do it with limitations.
  • The roads in Italy are crazy, and the drivers. You might feel safer on an extra plane ride!
  • I understand. Don't love flying either. Of course by the time you get to Rome you'll be so jet lagged you're numb. The flight might not be as much of a puddle jumper as you think. Your basic narrow body jet with 100+ passengers.

    You might also take a train. Rome airport to Rome, then Rome to Naples. Then have Tauck pick you up at the train station and drive to Sorrento.

    Hope you have a nice vacation.

  • edited March 2017
    When we took the Classic Italy tour years ago it started at the Rome airport and we immediately drove to Sorrento. The drive was either all highway or at least the majority of it was highway. Looking at the itinerary, I see that we left Rome airport at 10:00 a.m. to arrive in Sorrento at approximately 2:00 p.m. There was a rest stop for 20 minutes en route.
  • I have to agree with British. There is a highway from Rome to Naples, but you have city at each end that can really slow travel. Then you have the additional Naples to Sorrento leg which, depending on time of day can have a lot of traffic, especially in the tunnels, and take up to an hour or more. There is nothing to see on the highway. Save yourself the hassle and time and fly from Rome to Naples and have Tauck pick you up. Second best would be to take the train.
  • edited March 2017
    My travel agent did say that it was mostly highway as Judy05 said. I think I will continue on our plan for the car service. My travel agent said they use them all the time and they are very reliable. So we are keeping our fingers crossed.....Can they be worse than New York City drivers?? I'm used to that!
  • Hi Marie,

    I am arriving May 17, one day early, into Naples around mid day from Munich, and look forward to meeting you.

    Best wishes till we meet for the Tour....

    Linda Combs
  • Hi Linda,

    Looking forward to meeting you as well!

    Marie & Al
    LindaCombs wrote:
    Hi Marie,

    I am arriving May 17, one day early, into Naples around mid day from Munich, and look forward to meeting you.

    Best wishes till we meet for the Tour....

    Linda Combs

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