appropriate dress for men on Budapest, Vienna, Prague tour. Is sport jacket necessary?


  • I've been on 2 Tauck trips (and going on this one next month), and I won't be bringing a jacket. Some men had jackets on my past trips. Others didn't. I'd say it was 60:40 (did:didn't).

    First, we have enough to carry, without bringing something that is somewhat bulky and would likely be worn only once or twice for a few hours.
    Second, I'm on vacation. :-)
  • We were on this trip last year. There are three special dinners where a jacket or suit was appropriate. I think our group was about 80% did and 20% did not. The venues were so beautiful it felt nice to dress up.
  • We took the riverboat tour that included these cities and almost all the men wore jackets for all the "dressy" nights.
  • You don't mention the date for your tour. You might want to check the weather average (under Before You Go) and think what the evening temps will be. You might be grateful for a sport coat or sweater. At a minimum dress slacks and long sleeve dress shirt.

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