Kenya and Tanzania Classic Safari

Anyone starting their trip on September 6, 2017? My husband and I are. Very excited about the trip. Would love to hear from fellow travelers.


  • We are! Jane and Michael from Silver Spring, Maryland. Really looking forward to our African adventure.
  • We are on this trip as well. Tim and Pam from San Diego. Have heard such wonderful things about this trip!!
  • Great! Looking forward to meeting you. Our friends took this trip last year, and absolutely RAVED about the experience.
  • Barbara and Harold Starr from Los Angeles.
    Can't wait to meet everyone.

  • Pam Boyd wrote:
    We are on this trip as well. Tim and Pam from San Diego. Have heard such wonderful things about this trip!!
    Hi Tim and Pam... I live in San Diego as well and I have taken two Safari with Tauck, so if you would like any specific questions answered please feel free to contact me. My email is, I went on the Kenya and Tanzania safari, as well as Botswana and So Africa and I have lots and lots of pictures.

    You will love love love the trip.

  • Hi. What kind of shots do you need to go to South Africa? Were they painful or scary?
  • I don't know about SOuth Africa. For Kenya and Tanzania my doctor recommended quite a bit. We took them all, as better safe then sorry. Many were were covered by insurance. Yellow fever shot and typhoid pills were not.
  • Anybody on the August 23, 2017 Safari?
  • HI - If you mean August 26 Kenya and Tanzania, then yes Dennis and I will be with you!

  • We are also on the Classic Safari trip Sept. 6 to Sept. 21, very excited! looking forward to meeting everyone.
    Bill and Kathy from Olathe KS (near Kansas City)
  • We must be on the same trip. Mine is the 8 to the 21, but we leave Philadelphia the 7th. We arrive to Lake Duluti Serena Hotel at 9 pm on the 8th. I am so excited! My mom and I are going together as a fun trip together. It's been my dream to go to Africa my entire life so this is pretty much the greatest trip of my life. Today marks the 1 month, 1 week, 1 day until we leave.

    So excited to meet everyone and share this incredible journey with you all.
  • We must be on the same trip. Mine is the 8 to the 21, but we leave Philadelphia the 7th. We arrive to Lake Duluti Serena Hotel at 9 pm on the 8th. I am so excited! My mom and I are going together as a fun trip together. It's been my dream to go to Africa my entire life so this is pretty much the greatest trip of my life. Today marks the 1 month, 1 week, 1 day until we leave.

    So excited to meet everyone and share this incredible journey with you all.

    Nicole, we have been to Tanzania twice from Philly. The Philly flight to Amsterdam often leaves late, so be sure to pack a couple of extra outfits in your carry on bags and wear shoes you can run in through Amsterdam airport and be aware you go through a security check before you go through to the seating area where you get the flight. Our last trip, we made the flight but our bags did not. There is only one flight a day from Amsterdam to Arusha, so we got them 24 hours later. This is my favorite African country that I have visited. You are going to have a great time!
  • Walt and Lynne from Chapel Hill, NC. We are on the Kenya/Tanzania tour, but our itinerary says the tour begins September 9 and ends September 21. Hope we don't miss the boat!
  • edited May 2018
    Dave & Eileen from Memphis TN Sept 6th trip!
  • edited May 2018
    Dave & Eileen from Memphis TN Sept 6th trip!


    Did you go in 2017?? This is an old thread from 2017 started by folks who were on the Sept 6, 2017 departure (and a few other 2017 departures.)

    If you are going in 2018, there is no Sept 6 departure; there is a one starting on 5 Sep and one on 8 Sep 2018 (could it be that you are on the 8 Sep trip but are leaving for Africa on 6 Sep?). If so, you might want to start a new thread and use a subject line that looks something like this: "Kenya & Tanzania, 8 Sep 2918. Who is going?"
  • Jeanne and Victor Fleck from Stamford, CT! First time and hoping we are as organized as we think we are...these forums are terrific and it’s great to ‘ meet’ others. Flying out on Sept 6 from JFK on Qatar.
  • edited August 2018

    We are doing this trip in 2019. I see you are flying on Qatar. Did you stay overnight at/near the airport in Doha? What are the overnight arrangements for Qatar clients that have a layover?
  • Rmitch1808 wrote:
    Anybody on the August 23, 2017 Safari?
    Yes, my husband and I arrive two days early at Duluti Serena Hotel! We are coming from Calif. so thought we might need a little time to regroup! Looking forward to meeting you and everyone! Jan and Richard Barr

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