Treetop Walkway at Lake Manyara National Park

I was looking at the Tanzania National Park website to get a link when I ran across information about a new treetop walkway at Lake Manyara National Park (the K&T safari briefly visits this park on the way from Arusha to Ngorongoro Crater.) I thought the park was a really ho-hum stop in 2015 and didn't think there was really much to see- some marsh birds, Impala, baboons, etc. I suspect the tour stops there mainly to break up the trip to Ngorongoro and kill some time before lunch at the nearby Serena hotel.

But in December 2016 they opened what is claimed to be Tanzania's first Treetop Walkway and one of the longest in Africa. It is not for folks with height issues, but it looks and sounds very interesting. Anyone going on K&T in the future might want to ask their TD about it. Maybe if enough folks ask, Tauck will check it out and possibly formally add it to the itinerary or make it one of their famous "surprises."

Lake Manyara National Park Treetop Walkway




  • Thanks Alan! Still dreaming of Africa?
  • Good suggestion, Alan. The Lake Manyara National Park visit seemed like a non-event. Our adrenaline did not start pumping until we saw the elephants on the rim of the crater. It might be fun to get out of the bus and try something scary like a treetop walkway.
  • Hey Alan, that looks terrific. Love the photos. But are those people carrying their groceries, just back from Kroger? Looks cool. Thank you for sharing - will check it out!

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