Jan.16 tour

I would like to hear from anyone going on the Jan.16,2018 trip. we are going early and would like to meet.


  • We are also going on the January 16th trip to India - we actually leave on January 16th from Newark, NJ and arrive on the 17th. Really looking forward to it. When do you arrive?

  • How can you be arriving after the tour begins?
  • British wrote:
    How can you be arriving after the tour begins?

    Mary must be on the 18 Jan, small group departure!
  • edited October 2017
    I arrive in Delhi from Chicago at 1 AM on January 15 and would like to visit places in Delhi or the surrounding area that will not be covered on the tour schedule, would anyone like to join me?
  • If you care to join me for individual tours in New Delhi or in the surrounding area not covered by the Tauck Portrait of India tour please email me at Larryelev@aol.com with a method for me to contact you so we can discuss where and how to meet. I arrive on January 15,2018 at 1.00 Am in New Delhi.

  • If you care to join me for individual tours in New Delhi or in the surrounding area not covered by the Tauck Portrait of India tour please email me at Larryelev@aol.com with a method for me to contact you so we can discuss where and how to meet. I arrive on January 15,2018 at 1.00 Am in New Delhi.


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